Page 5 - Newsletter#16vfinaledition_Neat
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The second route to Associate Membership Without attempting to be exhaustive, one clear example
(Rule 12) of demonstrating a member’s attempt to engage in
industry employment is by virtue of registration on the
This Rule has been altered to require membership to be Union’s own seafarers Employment Assistance System
cancelled where members cannot demonstrate they (EAS). The union requires members registered on the
have for a continuous period of nine months engaged or EAS to provide and maintain up-to-date certification and
attempted to engage in an occupation covered by the documentation necessary for employment at sea.
eligibility for membership rule of the union.
Such requirements are not unreasonable, they assist in
This new provision cannot be applied unless the maintaining the credibility of the database, thus
member concerned is given 30 days’ notice of the encouraging employers to make use of it. Registration
union’s intention to do so, in order for the member to be on the EAS is proof-positive of the member’s attempts
given the opportunity to provide satisfactory evidence to engage in the industry and it follows that such
that the reason for the proposed cancellation does not registration is of itself, a guarantee against falling foul of
apply (existing provision). the requirement to attempt to engage in industry
employment. The Union should be pressed to confirm
A new provision has also been added, whereby a and highlight this advice on the EAS website itself.
member whose membership has been cancelled, may
apply for Associate Membership. Where the member Registration on the EAS is not the only way of meeting
does find work, normal financial membership will be the requirement to attempt to engage in employment in
reinstated providing payment of the relevant the industry. Members are free of course, to make their
membership contributions is made, in which case all own independent approaches to prospective industry
service including the period of associate membership employers. What is absolutely necessary though, is to
will count towards life membership. ensure there is a paper trail. For example, copies of
online applications or letters of acknowledgement from
If a member whose membership has been cancelled in prospective employers whereby, if requested by the
accordance with this rule chooses not to become an union, members can demonstrate their attempts to
associate member, such member will lose continuity on obtain employment. The test is not that you were
service required for life membership. successful, it’s that you attempted to gain employment
in the industry.
The new Rule 6A and the alterations to Rule 12 taken
together represent nothing more than a somewhat Contribution Rates
clumsy effort towards, as it’s been described elsewhere,
as - membership cleansing. Those most affected are A number of members renewing their contributions have
those vulnerable members only managing to find limited been advised by Branch Office Staff of the new union
work or at times, no work, and therefore currently policy determining that the current Grade 1A
entitled to the benefit of the lowest contribution rate, contribution level is to be limited to Associate
while retaining their financial status within the union and Membership status. If that is a correct understanding of
all attendant rights, that quite properly reside with that what has been said, branch staff have been
status. misinformed.
It’s akin to the union saying to such members, you’re Contribution rates are determined by the Divisional
more trouble than your worth, you don’t contribute National Council and are based on the member’s annual
significantly, financial and in other ways, and we don’t gross income. The lowest current rate is set at the
really want you. However, if you insist, we’re willing to Grade 1A level, with the highest set at Grade 14. The
offer associate membership, the Claytons membership, 2020 Divisional National Conference resolved to
where you’re a member, but not really, at a cost of $100 support the MUA introducing an Associate Membership
a year, and for which you will receive a union T shirt and Grade using current Grade 1A.
a copy of the Maritime Workers Journal twice a year.
The current contribution grades have been established
Attempting to engage in an occupation covered by by previous National Council decision. These range
the union’s eligibility rule between Grade 1A through to Grade 14. These prevail
until such time as National Council decide otherwise and
This concerns the new requirement to cancel the formally advise the membership accordingly. The
membership of any member who for a continuous period National Council last met in June 2021 and whilst
of nine months has not engaged or attempted to engage reporting to members on other matters, there has been
in employment within the industry. Given the new stricter no advice of any change to current grades.
application of this provision within the rules, questions
now arise as to what constitutes attempting to engage That being the case, Grade 1A contribution rate may be
in employment? applied in either of two circumstances. Firstly, it remains
the lowest rate upon which a member may, subject to
meeting the requirements of the rules, retain financial
(membership) status for all purposes of the rules.
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