Page 26 - JAVA Programming
P. 26


               Java Strings

                       The String data type is used to store a sequence or array of characters
                       (text). But in Java, a string is an object that represents an array or

                       sequence  of  characters.  The  java.lang.string  is  the  class  is  used  for
                       creating  a  string  object.  String  literals  should  be  enclosed  within
                       double-quotes. The difference between a character array and a string
                       is that in the string a special character ‘\0’ is present.

               Java Arrays

                       An Array in Java is a single object which can store multiple values of
                       the same data type. Arrays are homogeneous data structures that store
                       one  or  more  values  of  a  specific  data  type  and  provide  indexes  to
                       access them. A particular element in an array can be accessed by its


                       A two-step process of creating an array: Creating an array involves
                       two steps which are:

                              1. Array Declaration

                              2. Array Initialization

               Java Objects

                       It is a basic unit of Object-Oriented Programming which represents the
                       real-world entities. An object is an instance of a class. It defines the
                       state and behaviour of real-life entities.

                              • State: It represents the attributes and properties of an object.

                              • Behaviour: Methods define the behaviour of an object. It also
                              reflects the communication of one object with the other objects.

                              • Identity: It gives a unique name to an object which allows one

                              object to interact with other objects.

                       For example, An object ‘Dog’ has states like name, breed, colour, size,
                       age, and functions like bark, eat, run, sit.
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