Page 28 - JAVA Programming
P. 28


               Symbolic Constant

                     Symbolic  Constant  refer  to  the  variable  name  having  value  which
                       cannot be modified/change during the entire lifetime of the program.
                     For Example, pi = 3.14 now the pi can be used instead of 3.14. For the
                       conversion  symbolic  names  are  written  in  CAPITAL  to  distinguish

                       from another variable name.
                     After declaration of symbolic constants, they should not be resigned
                       any  other  value.  Symbolic  constants  cannot  be  declared  inside  a
                       method.  They  should  be  used  only  as  class  data  member  in  the
                       beginning of the class

               Syntax : final data_type symbolic_name=value;

                       class Circle
                                     final double PI=3.14;
                                     int radius;
                                     void accept(int r)
                              void display()
                              double area=PI*radius;
                              System.out.println("Radius is :"+radius)
                              System.out.println("Area of Circle is :"+area);
                              public static void main(String args[])
                                     Circle c=new Circle();
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