Page 35 - Interbay 2nd Charge Consent - Email and Docs
P. 35

Brandon Ray

      Subject:                      FW: 20004428 - 2nd Charge Consent Declaration
      From: Brandon Ray []
      Sent: 06 June 2023 12:01
      To: ''
      Subject: 20004428 - 2nd Charge Consent Declaration

      Hi Marion,

      Thanks for your time earlier, further to our conversation, in respect of my request for application for consent
      on a second charge of £225,000 on the property:

      REF : 20004428 ‐ 2nd Charge Consent Declaration
      I can definitively confirm that the monies used from the second charge, are purely and strictly for the purposes
      of funding only the process of acquiring planning permission, paying for architects drawings, surveys, planning
      costs………..etc in order to elevate the existing FULL planning permission of 14 apartments.
       As noted within the Allsop’s valuation.

      We will be elevating the number of apartments FULL planning from, 14 up to 23 and in so doing adding a further circa 20% to the
      property value.

      To reiterate, at no point are there any physical works whatsoever to be carried out, this is purely a ‘paper’ exercise which
      substantially benefits both myself and very generously uplifts the value and therein the overall amount of equity within
      property and in‐so‐doing exponentially elevating Interbay’s security.

      PS. Rest assured if there ever is a decision to develop the property in the future, at that point I will of course afford Interbay priority
      first option  and apply for a New Interbay Development Mortgage which would of course pay back and superseded the existing

      Thank You in anticipation,
         Kind Regards,

         Brandon Ray

                                 Monkey Puzzle Holdings          T:    020 8401 0005
                                 Monkey Puzzle House             M:    07967 109 652
                                 69 ‐ 71 Windmill Road           E:
                                 Sunbury‐on‐Thames TW16 7DT      W:

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           Please call 020 8401 0005 if you need assistance. Without Prejudice.
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