Page 21 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 21

Research partner. Cornell University has been Ithaca’s main green energy proponent for decades via solar farms, environmental studies and pollution-
                     removal efforts. The university will work with the city as it attempts to go all-electric by 2030. CREDIT: KEN LUND/FLICKR

                       POPULATION                  400,00                         AVERAGE ANNUAL SAVINGS
                                                                                        FOR HOMEOWNERS
                      32,103                    METRIC TONS OF CO2                     $60,000

                                               PRODUCED ANNUALLY
                                                                                  FROM DECARBONIZATION OVER 10-15 YEARS

                    Ithaca’s director of sustainability.              it could eventually become mandatory. He added that they
                      Buildings account for nearly 40 percent of GhG emissions   are working to make the program as affordable as possible
                    in the United States. Ithaca’s initiative is projected to cut   for those that participate.
                    about that much from the city’s overall carbon footprint—  Decarbonization and electrification of buildings in the
                    saving approximately 160,000 tons of carbon dioxide by   city will mean installing solar panels and replacing natural
                    2030, according to Aguirre-Torres. That’s the equivalent of   gas stovetops with electric ones. It will also involve install-
                    the emissions from about 35,000 cars driven for a year.  ing more energy-efficient heat pumps. In summer 2021,
                      Ithaca has about eight years to achieve the full decar-  the city passed legislation banning use of natural gas and
                    bonization goal set forth by the city’s Green New Deal plan   propane on new or renovated construction, which means
                    passed in 2019. Aguirre-Torres says implementing this pro-  all of Ithaca will eventually switch to electricity, Aguirre-
                    gram could get the city halfway there within the next three   Torres notes.
                    to four years.                                      The director admits the project is a massive undertak-
                      The program aims to tackle 1,600 buildings within the first   ing, but it’s also one that someone has to lead the way with.
                    three years, and then complete the remaining 4,400 build-  “It may sound crazy,” he says. “But if we can demonstrate
                    ings by decade’s end. Aguirre-Torres says the program will   that it can be done, we know it can be replicated all over the
                    operate on a voluntary basis in the beginning, but believes   United States.”

                                                     January/February 2022 GREEN BUILDER   19
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