Page 23 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 23

Energy goal. Electric vehicles (EVs) are in Parry Sound’s future. As of late 2021, the city had 22 EV charging stations, 12 of which are Level 3, or
                     fast-charging, according to CREDIT: CANADIAN ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION

                                                          37%                NUMBER OF UNESCO BIOSPHERE

                       POPULATION                                                   RESERVES IN CANADA
                       6,408                   OF CO2 EMISSIONS FROM                           13

                                                    REGION’S BOATS

                    infrastructure and technology. “We’re sort of the commerce   approach. “We’re one of a bunch of small municipalities that
                    hub for the region.” Tourists cascade into surrounding areas   have come together under the Integrated Community Energy
                    seasonally to enjoy the lakes, camping, hiking and so on, but   and Climate Action Plans (ICECAP), a partnership with First
                    they come and go from Parry Sound when they need sup-  Nations,” he says. “We all put money into the Georgian Bay Bio-
                    plies, food or an outing.                         sphere. I think our contributions were $14,500, and that gives
                      Despite this rapid influx and exodus, this small town is   us a full profile.”
                    making rapid strides toward decarbonization by moderniz-  With that profile, the town can benchmark its progress
                    ing its grid, installing solar arrays, adding battery storage to   toward various environmental goals. “We’ve just completed
                    town buildings, putting in EV charging stations and install-  benchmark one,” Pengra notes, “and are now working on
                    ing smart hot water controls. The city has also had a major   adaptation, benchmark two. We’re also part of a UNESCO
                    financial boost: a $2.9 million federal government grant,   Biosphere Reserve. That’s been beneficial in many ways too.”
                    part of the Smart, Proactive, Enabled, Energy Distribution –   It’s no coincidence that these benchmarks mirror some
                    Intelligently, Efficiently and Responsive (SPEEDIER)—smart   of the ancient stewardship principles of the First Nations
                    grid project. The town is on track to become one of Canada’s   people in the region.
                    first net-zero communities.                         “They base their decision making on planning for seven gen-
                      “The net zero ambition comes straight from the mayor,”   erations,” Pengra says. “I think we can learn a lot from that.”
                    Pengra adds, “and that makes a big difference.”
                      Key to that goal, Pengra adds, is a collaborative, localized   Learn more about Parry Sound at its website.

                                                     January/February 2022 GREEN BUILDER   21
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