Page 28 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 28

                                                 contemporary appearance and layout
                                                 than its neighbors, using the historic
                                                 massing makes the new house fit
                                                 seamlessly into the existing fabric of                     DURABLE AND DENSE. The
                                                 the neighborhood.”                                         house features a standing seam
                               LOUNGE                                                                       metal gable roof with parallel
                                                  Nicole Kimberling, the home’s co-                         cord trusses that are densely
                                                 owner, agrees. The concept was to                          packed with cellulose, topped
                                                                                                            with a taped membrane over
                                                 design a net-zero, passive-style house                     1/2-inch plywood sheathing.
                                                 “where we could age in place on the
                                                 same lot where we had already lived
                                                 for 20 years,” she notes.
                                                  The existing early 20th century
                                                 structure was replaced by a two-story,
                                                 two-bedroom, 1,275-square-foot unit,             ONSITE ENERGY. A net-zero solar
                                                                                                  array, including 6.38 kilowatt
                 ENTRY                           which serves as a home and business              (kW) rooftop panels, enables the
                                                 location for Kimberling and co-owner             owners to operate all of the home’s
                                                                                                  electricity-powered appliances for
                                     BATH        Dawn Kimberling.  There is also a                about $100 per year.
                                                 450-square-foot accessory dwelling
                                                 unit (ADU) studio that is currently a
                                                 rental, but will eventually become a
                                                 retirement home once the Kimberlings
                                                 choose to retire, according to Nicole
                    KITCHEN          BATH
                                                  They’re already planning ahead.
                                                 To accommodate mobility needs that
                                                 accompany growing older, the house
                                                 was designed with a discreet ramp.
                                                 Meanwhile, the studio incorporates
                                                 ADA features such as a curbless
                                                 shower, wet room style bathroom, a
                    LIVING                       full kitchen and on-site laundry.
                                                 SMART NUMBERS
                                                 Welch and project builder Jason
                                                 Wheeler,  founder  of  Bellingham,
                                 MAIN FLOOR      Washington-based Instinct Builders,
                                        PLAN     utilized Passive House strategies to
                                                 achieve a high level of comfort and
                                                 energy  efficiency.  (The  house  and
                                                 the ADU have Home Energy Rating
                 After a review of the existing home,   System [HERS] Index ratings of zero
               the solution was simple: The whole   and 13, respectively.) These strategies
               thing had to go. But getting the job   included high performance windows
               done was not as easy. Located in the
               historic York Neighborhood, where     !  Factoid
               most homes were built between 1890
               and 1910, any new structure needed   When State officials advised
               to blend in with its elders. “The own-  against holiday travel and meeting
               ers wanted  a  house  that was  more   with family due to COVID-19, the
               modern in performance but wouldn’t   construction crew continued to
               stand out against the neighboring   work on the Felicity House during
               buildings,” says Dan Welch, founder   Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and
               of architecture firm [bundle] design   New Year’s Eve.                 CREDIT: REBECCA GREENWOOD/GREENWOOD PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS
               studio. “Although the house has a more

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