Page 35 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 35


                                    in Isolation

                                                     This ‘Wattage Cottage’ offers a glimpse at what one

                                                         day might be sustainable features of every home.

                                                        When someone stays at the “Wattage Cottage” in Cuyuna, Min-
                        HOME OF THE YEAR
                                                        nesota, to get away from it all, they’re getting their wish. The
                                                        1,222-square-foot recreational rental house, known as the
                             2022                       Cuyuna Project, has almost no connections to the outside world.
                         Most Innovative                Sitting on 6 acres in the mountainous Cuyunas Lakes region,
                                                        Green Builder’s 2022 Most Innovative Green Home of the Year
                                                        winner is completely off grid and self-sustaining.

                                                                                          From the Judges

                                                                                          “Proof that a great

                                                                                          thermal envelope with
                                                                                          high efficiency systems
                                                                                          can have low enough

                                                                                          draw that it can be
                                                                                          operated with solar panels
                                                                                          and storage batteries.”

                                                                                          Project Stats

                                                                                          NAME: Cuyuna Project, Cuyuna, Minnesota
                                                                                          BUILDER: Tom Puzak, Puzak Properties
                                                                                          ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Tom Puzak, Puzak Properties
                                                                                          DEVELOPER: Tom Puzak, Puzak Properties
                                                                                          SIP MANUFACTURER: Energy Panel Structures,
                 Light minded. Extra-large, solid U-Factor windows throughout the home offer energy-saving natural   PHOTOGRAPHER: Structural Insulated Panel
                 light. CREDIT: COURTESY OF SIPA                                          Association (SIPA)

                                                     January/February 2022 GREEN BUILDER   33
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