Page 37 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 37




                                                       At ground level. The Cuyuna
                               DINING                  Project is warmed by radiant floor
                                                       heat, which eliminates loss of
                DECK                                   warmth through air duct use.
                                                       CREDIT: COURTESY OF SIPA
                                                     Key Components

                                                     APPLIANCES: KitchenAid (all)       LANDSCAPING: 330-foot deep well for fresh water
                                                     EXTERIOR FINISHES: Benjamin Moore exterior paint   LIGHTING: LED

                                    FLOOR PLAN       GARAGE DOOR: LiftMaster MyQ garage door opener  RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLAR, WIND,
                                                     HEATING: Westinghouse combination boiler   ETC.): OutBack Radian system solar inverter;
                                                                                        50kWh lithium ion battery bank; 310 watt REC
                                                     supporting in-floor radiant heat.
                                                                                        solar panels; SpaceX Starlink satellite internet.
                    builders are adopting it,” Puzak noted,   HOME CONTROLS: Google Nest Cam IQ; Google Nest   ROOF: Galvanized metal
                    in a report from GearJunkie. “It’s hard   thermostat; Lutron Caseta smart light switches;   STRUCTURAL: Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs):
                                                     Lutron Serena smart blinds
                    for production builders to adopt new                                6-inch and 9-inch walls rated R-30 to R-40-plus;
                    ideas when the average home buyer   HVAC/DUCTS: 23 SEER mini split combined with a   ceiling R-60
                    does not know what is possible.”  heat pump; Lunos E2 HRV system    WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS, PATIO DOORS: Andersen
                                                     INSULATION: Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs):   100 Series windows with glass upgrades and 0.24
                    GRID? WHAT GRID?                 6-inch and 9-inch walls rated R-30 to R-40-plus;   U-Factor; Andersen 200 and 800 series for doors
                    In keeping with its “no connections to   ceiling R-60
                    the outside world” mantra, the Cuyuna
                    Project gets all of its energy from an   of a typical home, Puzak notes.  Bathroom and kitchen  fixture  are
                    array consisting of 15 ground-mounted,   The only mandatory attachment to   water-smart. And, for renters who still
                    310-watt solar panels, and 80 kWh of   everyday life is in the Wi-Fi supplied by   need one more connection to society,
                    lithium ion battery storage (consisting   satellite internet provider SpaceX. The   Puzak includes a classic “do it your-
                    of dozens of upcycled batteries pur-  Starlink service enables smart control   self” product: an espresso machine. GB
                    chased from a hospital that no longer   of everything from indoor lighting to
                    needed them for emergency backup).   the garage door opener, as well as the
                    Hence the nickname, “Wattage Cottage.”  solar array.                 What’s next?
                      Off-grid status is a rarity in Min-  Other regular home amenities
                    nesota, given the area’s long, harsh   abound. The kitchen features ENERGY   TOM PUZAK, FOUNDER, PUZAK PROPERTIES:
                    winters, which includes numerous   STAR appliances, which contribute to   “I am building another SIP house in Minneapolis
                    days with sub-freezing temperatures.   the home’s net zero certification from   right now. It will be larger and more radical in both
                    To combat this, the cabin’s insulating   the U.S. Department of Energy. The   form and function.”
                    properties are about three times that   stove is gas powered, as is the fireplace.

                                                     January/February 2022 GREEN BUILDER   35
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