Page 54 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 54

Building a better

        world by building a

        better business

        You have seen the data. Climate change
        is a reality and the impact on our planet
        is already here. But that does not mean
        that there is not still an opportunity to act              •   We’re also moving to less carbon-intensive energy sources
        to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and                        for our manufacturing, including converting factories using
        limit the negative consequences to our                        fuel-flex operations from coal to gas. Our newest facility in
        environment and quality of life.                              the United States started operations in the summer of 2021
                                                                      powered only by natural gas.

        Many businesses in the building construction industry are   ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation products are part of the
        recognizing the opportunity they have to support this goal,   solution to the challenges of climate change.
        both in the products they manufacture as well as their own   •   We leverage the properties of the most abundant resource
        operations. ROCKWOOL is one such company that is taking an    in nature to help overcome the complex global challenge
        aggressive leadership position. Here’s how:                   of climate change. Our products come from nature and
                                                                      give back to nature.
        Stone wool insulation products help deliver on climate
        goals and support equitable, healthy and resilient         •   The insulation performance of stone wool products will
                                                                      not change during the lifetime of a building; the thermal
        •   ROCKWOOL transforms naturally abundant volcanic rock      properties and dimensional stability DO NOT deteriorate
            into stone wool, creating safe and sustainable products that   over time.
            help people and the communities where they live, learn,
            work and play to thrive.                               •   Same goes for fire resistance and acoustic performance of
                                                                      ROCKWOOL stone wool products.
        •   Energy efficiency in buildings is essential to addressing
            the global climate and economic challenges we all face.   •   They are the ideal material selection for building fire-
            ROCKWOOL insulation is a key measure in delivering a      resilient structures: stone wool insulation will not ignite,
            high performing building envelope.                        contribute to the spread of flames or release toxic smoke.

        •   Building renovation has the potential to provide an    •   Stone wool insulation also offers superior water-repellant
            immediate and effective economic stimulus, strongly       properties, keeping buildings comfortable and dry all while
            supporting local and small businesses while creating well-  resisting the growth of mold.
            paying, green jobs.
                                                                   Stone wool provides a wide range of benefits
        ROCKWOOL is committed to sustainable practices and         to buildings and people by creating more
        decarbonizing its own operations.
        •   Sustainability is integral to our business strategy. Our   durable, resilient and comfortable structures.
            strategy is based upon three principles: using less,   Our products help create buildings that are
            greening the rest and addressing climate hazards.      fire-safe, provide excellent moisture control,

        •   We actively contribute to 10 of the UN Sustainable     resist mold and mildew, and are quieter and
            Development Goals (SDGs) and have set six additional   more comfortable, despite the trends toward
            sustainability goals and two science-based targets     density and more extreme weather.”
            which equate to an ambitious one-third reduction of
            ROCKWOOL’s lifecycle (Scope 1,2, and 3) greenhouse gas                           -  Rory Moss, President,
            emissions by 2034.                                                                 ROCKWOOL North America

                                                                    For more information about our sustainability efforts or
                                                                    products, please visit
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