Page 49 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 49

                                                                                                              !  Factoid
                                    INSULATED ROOF. R-20 structural
                                    insulated concrete roof panels                                             Mi Casa Resistente is
                                    help mitigate solar heat influx . They
                                    also reduce the embodied energy of the                                     valued at $95,000. A
                                    structure by cutting back on the total                                     similar home in the
                                    amount of cement used in the roof.
                                                                                                               U.S. would cost about
                                                                                                               $165,000, according
                                                                                                               to Zillow.

                                                                                                  HIGHER GROUND. To
                                                                                                  reduce the chance of
                                                                                                  flooding during the heavy rain
                                                                                                  season, the home was built
                                                                                                  on property that is 30 inches
                                                                                                  above street level.

            TEMPERED RIGHT. Operable
            jalousie windows and low-e-
            glass transoms with a solar
            heat gain coefficient (SHGC)
            of 0.40 provide daylighting and
            natural ventilation.

                            AFFORDABLE ENVELOPE. Walls
                            are built with 6-inch concrete
                            masonry units (CMUs) and reinforced
                            concrete columns. These helped
                            create a home that required less
                            raw material, time and energy to
                                                                         NOTHING WASTED. An
                                                                         underground greywater system
                                                                         irrigates outdoor plants.

                                                                                                                   CREDIT: FERNANDO ABRUÑA

                      The home’s centerpiece is a portable   acts as a reserve in case of system
                    solar power plant capable of storing    failures. A 200-gallon rainwater cis-  What’s next?
                    1.5 kilowatts (kW) per day. The product   tern on the left side of the house oper-  FERNANDO ABRUÑA, ARCHITECT AND CO-
                    enables an ENERGY STAR 1 kilowatt   ates by gravity, making it usable even   FOUNDER, ABRUÑA & MUSGRAVE, ARCHITECTS:
                    hour (kWh) per day refrigerator to   during power failures. WaterSense
                    operate continuously in case of utility   fixtures are located in the bathroom   “This compact two bedroom prototype design is being
                    failures during catastrophic events.   and a composting toilet in the powder   used to develop larger two-, three-, and four-bedroom
                    An additional 500 watts allow for a   room within the interior side patio. An   units for hurricane- and earthquake-affected
                    microwave oven, a fan and two LED   underground greywater system is also   communities using the Career Academy & Technical
                    lamps. LEDs and anti-bug lights are   provided at the back patio.    School (CATS [Masonry]) Building System.”
                    used throughout the house.         The prototype construction  was
                      This  dwelling unit has an inline   sponsored by CMP Community Land   participation; a third one will begin
                    water heater and is ready for a future   Trust, the Engineers and Surveyors   soon. All architectural/engineering
                    2 kW photovoltaic system and a solar   Association and the Architects and   services were pro-bono. Total cost for
                    water heater. A roof mounted 500-gal-  Landscape Architects Association. Two   the fully furnished and equipped pro-
                    lon, utility fed, potable water cistern   units were built with the beneficiary’s   totype was $95,000. GB

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