Page 47 - Green Builder Jan-Feb 2022 Issue
P. 47

Ready                                                  HOME OF THE YEAR

                                        for the                                                 Best Right-Sized Shelter

                                                                                               The road to Puerto Rico’s
                   Next One                                                                   hurricane recovery has led

                                                                                                to Mi Casa Resistente, a
                                                                                                  catastrophe-ready tiny

                                                                                               home with a big mission.

                                             When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto           Project Stats
                                             Rico in September 2017, things were
                                             a mess. Identified by the United          NAME: Mi Casa Resistente (My Resilient House), San Juan,
                                                                                       Puerto Rico
                                             States National Hurricane Center          BUILDER: Peter David Torres, Professional Home Builders
                                             as the deadliest Atlantic hurricane       ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Fernando Abruña, architect, Abruña
                                             to strike the Caribbean in almost 20      & Musgrave, Architects,
                                             years, Maria resulted in nearly 3,000     PHOTOGRAPHER: Fernando Abruña
                                             deaths and $100 billion in dam-
                                             age, obliterated the nation’s power       From the Judges
                                             grid and communications network,          “An excellent example that
                                             destroyed or damaged more than
                                             65,000 homes, and left  10,000            sustainability and resourcefulness
                                             people homeless—half of whom still        comes from designing and building for
                         CREDIT: FERNANDO ABRUÑA  were as of 2020.                     the climate with simple concepts.”

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