Page 34 - The Tiny House Tactical Guide, 2018 Edition
P. 34


           THE RIGHT

           (SMALL) STUFF

            The combination of low-tech ingenuity and

            high-tech capabilities can solve many of the

            living challenges with small spaces.



        New and improved technologies promise to make tiny homes more

        resilient and self sufficient. Here are some of our favorites.

        1. Induction Cooktops                2. Lightweight Peel and Stick Solar   3. Solar Refrigeration
        Unlike other glass-topped electric cooktops,   for Standing Seam Panels    Although you can buy off-the-shelf solar
        induction systems heat the pan directly. They   Although you might think Elon Musk invented   powered DC coolers, these don’t have the
        capture 90 percent of the energy from the unit,   the idea of solar panels that look like roofing,   oomph most people want for full time living.
        whereas both gas and glass top electrics lose             building integrated   But as an intrepid
                            up to 40 percent of                   photovoltaics,   RV owner proved
                            their heat around                     or BIPV, have    recently, do the
                            the pan. What this                    been around for   math right, and
                            means is that my                      decades. But     you can install a
                            cast iron pan is hot                  some of the latest   full-time, off-the-
                            enough to fry an                      ones are the most   grid refrigerator
                            egg in 9 seconds.                     flexible—literally.   that requires just
        A well-designed solar setup with batteries and            New PV products   two 100 amp hour
        1,000-watt inverter could operate a single   are flexible, and you can adhere them directly   12-volt batteries.
        burner top, such as the 800-watt model shown.   to a metal standing seam roof. We like metal,   Here’s the small refrigerator that worked for
        Multiple burners would likely be too power   because it’s also one of the lightest types of   them. The unit has an operating range of 30 to
        intensive for off-grid use.          roofing that meets high wind requirements.  60 degrees Fahrenheit.

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