Page 36 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
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Breath Control. Homebuyers care about
healthy living and air quality. Successful
remodelers give these concerns their due.
PLAY THE INDOOR AIR CARD after installation. “Because this is a consumer-focused
Regardless of whether a client or her family member suffers certification, we aim to set up all of our testing to replicate
from allergies or asthma, most people now have an interest in the end-user experience as much as possible—so where a
reducing pollution indoors. This concern (undoubtedly super- floor covering is designed to be glued down, we include the
charged by Coronavirus fears) lends incentive to add better adhesive in the VOC test,” says McKeon. “We also carry out
quality filtration, more efficient heating and cooling. an allergen removal test in an environmental chamber, where
To rationalize spending more on IAQ, one need only dig the floor is cleaned as per the manufacturer’s instructions
into some of the research and recommendations for health- and allergen removal is assessed. Allergen levels in the air
oriented organizations such as the Asthma and Allergy during cleaning are also measured.”
Foundation of America (AAFA). ■ PAINT: Emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
The asthma and allergy friendly certification program from paint are tested 24, 48 and 336 hours after it’s
developed by the AAFA and Allergy Standards Limited (ASL) applied. “We also conduct a detailed assessment of all
tests products to meet strict scientific standards, says of the chemical constituents in paint to ensure that
Kenneth Mendez, president and CEO of the AAFA. there are no allergenic or sensitizing ingredients pres-
“The asthma and allergy community can look for the ent,” notes McKeon, “or that their concentration is low
certification while shopping to know they’re getting products enough to warrant no concern for sensitive individuals.
that help with indoor air quality, dust mites, pollen and other Certified paints must also meet or exceed performance
asthma and allergy triggers,” he explains. criteria such as adhesion, scrub resistance and drying
Having good indoor air quality is an important part of a time.”
healthy living space, adds Dr. John McKeon, CEO and founder ■ AIR CLEANERS: “We test air cleaners for their ability to
of the ASL. reduce cat dander, grass pollen and dust mite allergen levels
“Our certification is not industry-specific, we have in the air,” says McKeon. “Our testing also ensures that the
standards for products and building materials for every room allergens are captured on the air cleaner filter, and not redis-
in the house, offering a choice in as many product categories tributed onto surfaces around the room.”
as possible,” says McKeon. “Our focus is on controlling the
sources and triggers of asthma and allergy to improve indoor Taking the time to check sites for green certifications dur-
air quality and help consumers make informed choices.” ing your remodel will not only mean you’re living your values.
Some of the products certified by AAFA and ASL include: It can mean that your home will be a healthy place to live, and
FLOORING: Flooring is tested for the emission of volatile can serve as a model for others looking to uphold their com-
organic compounds (VOCs) at 24, 48 and 336 hours mitment to sustainability. GB