Page 41 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 41
The inverted compressor by LG uses less power
than a standard heat pump because it runs at
variable speeds. The system provides more
stable temperatures and requires less backup
power, meaning it would require a smaller
generator to power the HVAC should the power
go out.
whether Cooper is at home or away.
“Like most people, I’m just really busy with work and travel,
so the most important thing about this house remodel is
that all the products work together as a system and can be
accessed remotely,” says Cooper. “It makes it super easy to
live here and will save me money on utility bills in the long run.
These energy-efficient, smart technologies will help me make
sure the house performs optimally.”
Triple-digit temperatures and humidity are the hallmarks of an
Austin summer, but even the mild winters were uncomfortable
in Cooper’s house. She realized the decades-old HVAC system
wasn’t working well.
“It didn’t have zoning, so there would be parts of the house
that were super freezing or hot,” says Cooper. “Plus, I was
paying a lot in utilities.”
Cooper travels often and doesn’t always use every part of
her house, so it didn’t make sense for the environment or her
budget to condition areas of the house that were unused. She
selected two indoor systems, one to retrofit into an existing
ducted system and a second ductless system, both connected
to the outdoor heat pump.
“We installed the ductless indoor system into the largest
pantry I’ve ever seen,” says Terry Frisenda, executive sales
manager at LG Electronics. “When Tiana travels, the dogs
stay in the pantry, so it’s smart to be able to cool that room
individually and raise the temperature in the rest of the house.”
BY MICHELE LERNER Technology makes it easy to change systems and create
Reducing her environmental footprint was the top priority new zones with ductless or ducted systems, Frisenda explains.
for millennial influencer Tiana Cooper when she planned “We’ve solved one of the oldest struggles of heating and air
to remodel her Austin, Texas home. But resiliency was also conditioning, which was uneven temperatures not only from
extremely important. “I want to be self-sufficient so that if one level to another in a house but even from one end of a
there’s a power outage like the one Texas experienced earlier large ranch house to another. Ductless systems can easily be
this year, I won’t be out in the cold,” she says. used to individually manage temperatures. Instead of running
Cooper chose LG’s 350-watt NeON 2 solar modules to a larger system, you can consume less energy with individual
provide a reliable source of power for her home and electric systems.”
vehicle. In addition, she opted for a multizone heating and air In addition, the inverter compressor installed by LG uses less
conditioning system, which works together with Greenfiber power than a standard heat pump because it runs at variable
insulation for an energy-efficient, comfortable home. The speeds rather than via a simple on and off switch. The system
central vacuum system from H-P Products provides indoor air provides more stable temperatures and requires less backup
quality benefits as well as easy cleaning, and the LiftMaster power, meaning fewer solar panels and a smaller generator are
garage door opener provides ventilation and safety benefits needed to run the HVAC.