Page 45 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 45
is that we sequester carbon, and can lock 1.34 tons of carbon
dioxide during the lifetime of the home, which is equivalent to
what 807 trees can absorb.”
Greenfiber is delivered regionally to cut down on transporta-
tion emissions, and developed at an electrically run plant that
uses 13 times less energy than it takes to manufacture fiber-
glass insulation, Woodford says.
While Greenfiber offers sustainability benefits and
increases the energy efficiency of any home, Woodford says
the Sanctuary cellulose insulation product that was installed
in Cooper’s attic and some interior walls provides wellness
advantages, too. It equalizes the temperature throughout the
house, gives the peace of mind of fire resistance, and provides LiftMaster’s garage door opener system includes a security camera and
60 percent noise reduction. smart home connectivity. The system can send alerts to a smartphone and
“When I heard that Greenfiber had the additional benefit of allows remote access for deliveries. COURTESY LIFTMASTER
soundproofing, I was sold,” says Cooper. “I have a home office
near busy rooms and because I do podcasts, I need quiet. Now I’m flying around the house, so I love the fact that I don’t have
I can have energy efficiency, and some peace and quiet!” to lug hoses around. They retract right into the wall.”
The pandemic raised awareness of the importance of improv- Tech innovations such as a security camera and smart home
ing indoor air quality, says Greg Calderon, vice president of connectivity mean that LiftMaster’s accessories do more than
H-P Products. just open the garage at Cooper’s house.
“Clearly, it’s important to talk first about the HVAC system “I use the garage as flex space for hobbies and also to store
and ventilation, but vacuuming is like a dirty little secret that important items, so I wanted to be able to check on the space
no one mentions,” says Calderon. “The problem is that tradi- when I’m home and away,” says Cooper. “The LiftMaster cam-
tional vacuuming cleans your floor but dirties your air by recir- era allows me to do this from my phone. I want to feel safe and
culating the particles the vacuum picks up.” secure, and this is a simple solution for that.”
Cooper chose a central The camera can be connected to the “myQ” smart home
vacuum system from H-P app so it can be operated remotely, says Melissa Foley,
Products, which pipes every- principal of strategic relations for Chamberlain Group, which
thing the unit picks up into a manufactures LiftMaster garage accessories.
container in the garage. It only “You can get an alert if someone tries to open your garage
needs to be emptied once or door and you’ll have a video to share with the police if needed,”
twice a year, says Calderon. “I says Foley. “The app can be connected to the Amazon Key
have allergies and dogs, and In-Home Delivery service, which lets you get packages deliv-
the combo of those two things ered to your garage. Or, you can remotely open your garage for
can definitely cause suffer- deliveries.”
ing, particularly through high LiftMaster anticipates adding indoor air quality innovations
allergy season,” says Cooper. in the future. “People often store pesticides, chemicals, and
“I wanted to make sure I was paint in their garage, but they also sometimes use the space
doing everything possible to for hobbies and exercise,” says Foley. “We’re designing sen-
improve my air quality.” sors to test the air for allergens, dust, and carbon monoxide
H-P’s central vacuum sys- so that homeowners will know when they need to ventilate the
tem in Cooper’s home has space.”
retractable hoses in every For now, sensors monitor the temperature in the garage and
room, which “clean at the can be set to open the door to increase air flow. “A really cool
speed of light because they thing LiftMaster offers is the ability to raise the garage door a
have a larger motor than a por- little every hour so the space gets a fresh air exchange,” says
table vacuum,” says Calderon. Cooper.
The retractable hose of the H-P Products “Another reason I picked Whether Cooper is working at home or traveling, she has
central vacuum system offers a conve- H-P’s central vacuum is the peace of mind that comes with knowing the systems in
nient way to keep allergens to a minimum because of the convenience,” her house seamlessly and smoothly function to maintain her
in today’s homes. COURTESY H-P PRODUCTS says Cooper. “When I clean, comfort and safety. GB