Page 50 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 50


                                                                                              COOKING COMMAND
                                                                                              AND CONTROL. Cernoch
         BEAMS BRING LIGHT.              TIMELESS BEAUTY.                                     removed a heavy stone arch over
         Cernoch deleted the wall between   Michalek specified a BOCCHI                       the stove to make way for a more
         the kitchen and the living room,   Contempo Step-Rim 36-inch   ISLAND ROOTS.         sophisticated and practical SKS
         which meant adding a beam header.   sink, which is made from Fireclay,   The team went back and   48-inch Pro-Style Wall Hood and
         That header will match the others   a 100 percent natural organic   forth on whether to have an   additional cabinetry. This design
         required to convert the house to an   and recyclable material that is   island, finally deciding that   change also opens counter space to
         open floor plan. Cernoch addressed   19 times smoother than regular   there should be one because   the right and left of the SKS 48-inch
         the dark hallway that runs behind the   glazed ceramic surfaces. Quartz   the couple uses the current   Dual-Fuel Pro Range with Sous Vide
         kitchen and living room by opening   surface countertops are from   one frequently. “We are   & Induction. On the same wall as
         up the wall and integrating the   LG Hausys’ Viatera Masterpiece   considering a pretty blue   this cooking powerhouse is the SKS
         thruway into the living space.   collection in Adagio Gold.  island, light gray cabinets,   30-inch Combination Wall Oven. The
                                                                    and a ‘greige’ wood floor,”   wall ovens allow the couple to really
                                                                    Michelak says. “The challenge   entertain and whip up ready-to-
                                                                    is that gray can be cold. We   serve meals for any party size.
                                                                    don’t want it to be brown.”

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