Page 54 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 54
Need to
A millennial buyer and influencer offers her
impressions after months rehabbing a
17-year-old Austin production home. Here’s CREDIT: LORI SULLIVAN, ELITE AUSTIN DESIGNER
what Tiana Cooper had to say, as the
project began to wrap up.
It then took them three days to call us and assign the repair to
CO: What was the most important thing to you when you a mom-and-pop company—to this day we still haven’t heard
were home shopping? from them!
The most important thing was to have land for gardening, my You have to pay $75 toward the repair when you call to make
dogs, and so I can eventually have rescue horses. I wanted a the appointment, and you may not even get the repair! I gave
home that I could customize into a dream “forever house.” I up and called a plumber and spent $175 getting it fixed. And
wanted the house to have a kitchen that was in good shape I’m out the initial $75 because I don’t have time to argue with
and usable now, but that also had room for customization. the bank or the company.
It’s frustrating especially since the home seller gave us the
CO: What did you worry most about when you were consider- basic coverage, and we paid an extra $100 at closing to get the
ing your home purchase? premium coverage for peace of mind. What these home war-
When I toured the house, I knew the HVAC was at the end of ranties cover and how they work are just not as great as they
its lifespan. It was tough picking a house not knowing whether sound on paper.
that cost was approaching—it could go out tomorrow or in two I have made my own mistakes, too. A few months after I
years. Same with the hot water heater. In fact, in any house, moved in, the water heater broke. I called the home warranty
any of the home systems or appliances can go bad at any time. company and paid the $75 for the appointment, because I
You have to plan for the cost of repairs. really didn’t want to have to pay for a new water heater.
Again, it took three days and multiple calls, but this time
CO: Did you consider a home warranty to protect your home? the repair guy actually showed up. But it turned out there was
Actually, I got a home warranty plan from American Home nothing wrong with the water heater. The circuit had flipped,
Shield with the purchase, but it was not great. The first day and because our circuit board was mislabeled, I didn’t know it.
we were in the house, the dishwasher leaked and flooded the I had been warned on the home walkthrough that the circuit
kitchen. I called the company and was on hold for two hours. board had missing labels, and I should have insisted the home