Page 56 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 56


                                                                                                                           CREDIT: LORI SULLIVAN, ELITE AUSTIN DESIGNER

               me is the tub in the master bathroom. There is one there, but   demanding a thorough inspection—the owners left a fridge
               I am a big germophobe, so not going in there. Having a beauti-  behind, and I thought, “Great, I can use it as an extra fridge to
               ful, functional tub is a self-care thing I am excited about.  put our beer in.”
                 I also look forward to screening the patio. I wasn’t thinking   When I was relocating it to the laundry, I found out the
               about bugs when I bought the house, but in Austin, there are   water line had a leak in it that had been hidden because the
               times of the year where you need everything screened, just like   fridge had been wiggled and wedged so hard into its spot that
               in Florida.                                       the flow blocked. As soon as I moved it, the water line got
                                                                 “unstuck” and flooded our kitchen.
               CO: What advice do you have for first-time home buyers?  I ran to turn off the water, and the water shut-off valve was
               You really need to think about everything, and ask questions.   broken. Thank goodness it was on the city side. They came out
               For example, when I toured the house, the plants and land-  and fixed it, but had that been my responsibility, it would have
               scaping looked great, so I assumed the irrigation was good. But   been an expensive fix.
               the previous owners had jury-rigged everything—every spigot
               leaked and had timers, many of which didn’t work. When we   CO: Wow. Are you wondering if you should have even bought
               brought out a company to see if they could fix them, they   this house?
               quoted us $6,000.                                 [Laughs] It’s been a wild ride in the past few months. I keep
                 Don’t forget about pest control. It can be so expensive.   reassuring myself that after the planned upgrades I am doing,
               When you get an inspection, the inspectors don’t have to go   it will feel like a new house. I just have to get through the
               anywhere where they don’t feel safe. So when I heard little   obstacles. I think in nine months to a year it will be done and
               footsteps in our attic after we moved in, I realized that the   that’s great. But right now I am still in boxes, so I would say
               exact area where the inspector didn’t feel safe was where all   remodeling while you are living in the house is a challenge.
               the evidence of animals was.                        I am so excited to get started, and it will be exciting when
                 So while the home inspection report said there were no   the walls start coming down and everything is moving forward.
               pests in the house, they just weren’t where the inspector   Every step of the process kicks up my level of excitement. GB
               looked. We had raccoons, possums, and mice. It cost me
               $1,875 to get them trapped and taken away.        Tiana is working with Green Builder Media to renovate and green her
                 Last—again this has to do with really paying attention and   house, The ReVISION House Austin. Follow the project here.

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