Page 55 - Green Builder Remodeling Field Report 2021
P. 55


                    seller have an electrician come out and properly label and test
                    our circuit board before I closed. So I paid $75 for a guy to
                    come out and flip a breaker!

                    CO: Any other issues with the house?
                    One of my biggest disappointments with the house was the
                    appliances. They looked like they were in good condition, and I
                    was told by the realtor that the owners barely ever used them.
                      The oven is terrible. I tried to bake cookies at 350 degrees,
                    and it’s not 350 at all. It took two hours to bake them!
                      The vent system on the stove turned on for the inspection,
                    but it doesn’t really work right. When I cook steak in cast iron
                    or anything fishy, I have to open all the windows in the house.
                      But I’m excited, because I am planning to replace all the
                    appliances soon. I picked the SKS line for its durability and reli-
                    ability, but also because the appliances are going to be beauti-
                    ful. It will be good to be able to cook again!

                    CO: What improvement will make the biggest difference to
                    you?                                              Troubleshooter. Like many millennials and first-time home buyers,
                    I am most excited about a new floor plan, which I am working   Tiana Cooper is creating her dream home from an existing house.
                    on with an architect—moving some walls and making the flow   While the home she bought has lots of space, it needs to be
                    of the house better. But honestly, the big game-changer for   redesigned and updated to work for her lifestyle.

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