Page 28 - CodeWatcher Fall 2016 Issue
P. 28

Code Trends

CdpACCESS: The Good,
the Bad, and the Uncertain

An online portal built for the ICC plus a policy change
equals streamlined code voting, but is the technology ready
for prime time in Kansas City?

TBY MIKE COLLIGNON                                                    I-codes, and it was considered more manageable than the
                       HE ICC HAS OVER 20,000 governmental            legacy codes, and it had yet to be widely adopted.
                       voting member representatives. However,
                       the ICC requires these officials to annually     The combination of the electronic voting devices and
                       register in advance of a vote. Unfortunately,  cdpACCESS didn’t go 100% smoothly, but everyone
                       not all take that step, so the number of       understood that cdpACCESS was a new system, and it wasn’t
                       eligible voters will be quite a bit less than  going to be perfect on the first go-around. The participants
                       20,000. But thanks to an online portal built   were very civil and polite about any glitches that occurred.
 for the International Code Council, and a policy change, all
 eligible voters can cast their votes without incurring travel        Redundancy to the Rescue
 expenses and lengthy stays out of the office.
                                                                      However, the stakes were much higher in the Group A cycle,
   In 2014, the ICC unveiled cdpACCESS, their new online              as some of the more notable codes (plumbing, mechanical,
 code development platform. Designed as a way to increase             building) were undergoing deliberations. This time, the
 inclusiveness in the code development process, cdpACCESS             technical difficulties weren’t tolerated as well. ICC staff
 allows any registered user to submit and comment on code             recognized that the in-person voters were losing trust in the
 change proposals, collaborate with peers and (for ICC                electronic voting devices, so before the hearing concluded,
 governmental voting member reps) the opportunity to vote.            they were scrapped in favor of hand/standing vote counts.

So Much Potential                                                       According to Dave Bowman, Manager of Codes at ICC, the
                                                                      electronic voting devices won’t even make an appearance
 The voting function is its best feature.                             at the upcoming Group B public comment hearings. Vote
    For those who attended the final action hearings (as they         tabulation will initially be done by a show of hands. “If we’re
                                                                      not comfortable with that, then we’ll actually take a standing
 were then called) in October 2014, they were able to use             count,” Bowman says.
 electronic voting devices to both cast their votes and have
 those votes logged in cdpACCESS. When the vote was opened              If you’re at all familiar with professional sports, you know
 to the rest of the governmental voting member reps, the              how easily teams request reviews of the officials’ calls. With
 remote voters were able to see the in-person results. Those          the significance of the proposals on the docket, it wouldn’t
 who attended could also log in and change their vote, if they        be surprising to see vote counting on a number of proposals.
 chose to do so. This portal, along with the addition of Section      This method of voting will probably lead to some long days
 8.0 to Council Policy 28, was going to usher ICC into a new          (and nights) in the hearing room.
 era of code adoption.
                                                                        Because technology won’t be used in the hearing room,
    While cdpACCESS had undergone the expected beta                   it will cause a duplication of effort for those who attend in-
 testing, the ICC wisely decided to roll it out during the            person. The in-person vote will set the agenda for the online
 Group C cycle, which was largely the International Green             voting, but Bowman explained that “this year, because we’re
 Construction Code (IgCC) development cycle. This gave ICC            not using the electronic devices, the online governmental
 a trial period of sorts, since the IgCC was one of the newest        consensus vote will start at zero-zero. Those that are

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