Page 32 - CodeWatcher Fall 2016 Issue
P. 32

          IN THIS ISSUE…

                   “You cannot get to net-zero without onsite power
                   production. As for onsite power production, there are
                   reasonable arguments that there should be a limit
                   on how much it can be credited for the ERI option.”
                   Steve Baden, executive director, RESNET


                   “Efficiency is cost effective for the home owner and
                   can be combined with renewables, but there’s no need to
                   have one versus the other.”

                     Laura Urbanek, Senior Energy Policy Advocate,
                     Energy & Transportation Program

                   “Not only are trade-offs a zero-sum game at best,
                   but with very few proposals that boost efficiency, these
                   three trade-offs could end up sinking the 2018 IECC itself.”

                     Bill Fay, executive director, EECC


    “The ICC has expended significant resources to increase
    member engagement in the code development process.
    Once the technology is improved and the governmental
    voting member representatives start using it,
    the development process will be as robust as ever.
    Until then, expect some growing pains.”
    Mike Collignon, Executive Director, Green Builder Coalition

                   “PHIUS developed the PHIUS+ 2015 pilot program
                   to define climate-specific standards. To achieve the
                   aggressive results here you need to crush your energy use
                   with an efficient envelope and offset with solar or wind.”

                     Cordelia Pitman, Director of Preconstruction Services,

30 Wright-Ryan
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