Page 37 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 37

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS


                 United Way’s way of getting things done right?
                 Getting help from professional data analysis of
                 the projected design’s performance.

                       HE CONCEPT of building infor-  United Way of Long Island, New York,   agency has constructed 21 homes certified
                       mation modeling (BIM) has been   used BIM to successfully visualize con-  to DOE’s ZERH program. It has won six
                 T around since the 1970s. Nearly   struction of its five-bedroom, two-bath-  HIAs and five grand awards in the afford-
                 half a century later, it’s coming into its   room, two-story home in Port Jefferson   able homes category since 2015.
                 own within the construction industry.  Station, New York. The 2,500-square-foot   The winning home achieved a Home
                  BIM produces integrated three-dimen-  house earned a grand award in the U.S.   Energy Rating System (HERS) score of 37
                 sional renderings of every aspect of a   Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy   without photovoltaic (PV), or -2 with PV,
                 home, including framing, HVAC, plumb-  Ready Home (ZERH) 2020 Housing Inno-  enough to power the home and an electric
                 ing and electrical. It allows a construction   vation Awards (HIAs).   vehicle. The home is expected to save about
                 team to visualize how components fit   “This is the first project United Way has   $5,300 a year in utility costs, which is criti-
                 together, giving team members a better   constructed using BIM,” says Rick Wert-  cally important to the nonprofit agency that
                 understanding of the end product. They   heim, senior vice president of Housing   owns the home, according to Wertheim.
                 can see potential conflicts in sequenc-  and Green Initiatives for the United Way
                 ing of construction steps, and potential   of Long Island Housing Development  NOTHING BETTER THAN BIM
                 problem areas such as maintaining a con-  Corporation, a nonprofit organization   The design included a novel attic truss
                 tinuous air and thermal barrier around a   that builds or renovates about six homes   specifically crafted to accommodate a
                 home’s conditioned space.          per year for its nonprofit partners. The   ducted mini-split heat pump tucked into

                         Average Monthly Energy Bill
                         $0                                           Climate        IECC,4A, mixed-humid

                                                                          Dry (B)                      Moist (A)
                                                              Marine (C)
                         Annual Savings                          4                                                     6
                         $5,250                                         5                                   5

                         Calculated versus typical new homes                                       4

                                                                            2                           3
                                                                                               2                 2
                         Saved in the first 30 Years
                         $218,800                                                                                 1

                         Includes fuel escalation rates,
                         2019 EIA Energy Outlook

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