Page 35 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 35

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS

                                                    in vendor performance, identifying areas   Another important indicator of success
                                                    for future trainings.”              for Thrive is customer satisfaction. Thrive
                                                      Another vital role for the QA depart-  measures key customer satisfaction via
                                                    ment is developing training sessions for   a  survey  emailed to each homeowner
                                                    vendors and employees as a new Thrive   after move-in, at midyear and at year’s
                                                    product is brought to market. “Thrive   end. Responses are sent to every Thrive
                                                    consistently  introduces cutting-edge  employee for review and comment.
                                                    products and techniques into our homes,”   Thrive’s leadership reaches out to
                                                    Rectanus notes. “We are aware that this   customers within 48 hours of closing to
                                                    continual innovation can be a challenge   address any concerns and solicit customer
                                                    for our trades and construction staff. To   feedback. Thrive also shares customers’
                                                    ensure successful implementation of new   feedback with trade partners in multiple
                                                    technology, the QA department works   forums, including a vendor council, ven-
                                                    alongside manufacturer representatives   dor appreciation events and meetings.
                                                    and third-party consultants to provide   In the past four years, Thrive’s cus-
                                                    training for our vendors and employees.”  tomer satisfaction scores have risen from
                                                      Thrive Home Builders recently imple-  79.5 in 2016 to 88.6 in 2019. In addition,
             Ratings winner. WestRidge Rowhomes     mented a project management software   Thrive recognizes that referrals from
             achieved a Home Energy Rating System   that allows two-way communication, in   homeowners are a key customer satisfac-
             (HERS) score of 29, partly due to high   real time, between Thrive and its trade   tion indicator. In 2019, Thrive’s “recom-
             insulation levels in the attic, walls and   partners regarding items such as pur-  mend to a friend” customer satisfaction
             under the slab, along with ENERGY STAR   chase orders, schedules, changes and  score 90.7, above the national industry
             appliances and solar panels.           issues with installation.           average of 88.4, according to Rectanus.

                                                      MULTI-LAYER WALLS. Walls
                                                      feature 5.5 inches of blown fiberglass,
                 electric bills from $915 a year to $452 per
                                                      sheathed with oriented strand board
                 year, and generate annual savings of up to
                                                      (OSB) in corrugated house wrap.
                 $1,750 per year, compared to a home built
                 to the 2015 International Energy Conser-
                                                                                                     THICK BLANKET.
                 vation Code (IECC).
                                                                                                     The vented attic is
                                                                                                     insulated with 17
                 STANDING APART
                                                                                                     inches (R-50) of
                 Thrive has also implemented numerous
                                                                                                     blown insulation.
                 in-house quality  management proce-
                 dures. The company created an inter-
                 nal Quality Assurance (QA) division to
                 develop continuous improvement across
                 all departments, including construction,
                 purchasing, architecture, warranty and
                 vendor-partner relations.
                  The department has implemented a QA
                 management program called FTQ360.
                 “This program allows us to document
                 and correct issues during construction,
                 as well as review best practices, through   ROCK SOLID.
                 a series of QA checklists at critical stages   An insulated slab sits
                 of construction,” Rectanus says. “All QA   on a 4-inch base of
                 checklists are based on manufacturer’s   clean gravel topped by
                 installation guidelines and building sci-  a vapor barrier.
                 ence best practices compiled through                                                                    COURTESY OF THRIVE HOME BUILDERS
                 working with industry experts and prod-
                 uct  manufacturers. It also  generates
                 internal reports that help us find trends

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