Page 31 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 31

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS

                                                    loft-level bedrooms to supplement the     pump. Testing of the cutting-edge $1,000
                                                    100 percent LED light fixtures. The light-  HRV coil has been so successful that the
                                                    ing is controlled by the same internet- and   two backup systems (the fan coils and the
                                                    voice-activated system that controls the   hydronic floor heating and cooling) may
                                                    window blinds, the HVAC and the ventila-  not be needed.
                                                    tion systems, which are also controlled by   The air-to-water heat pump also warms
                                                    humidity and CO2 sensors.           an 80-gallon tank for domestic hot water.
                                                                                        The system includes a 40-gallon buffer
                                                    IT’S ALL ABOUT THE AIR              tank to prevent heat pump short-cycling.
                                                    One of the most unique aspects of the home   The HRV  unit provides ventilation
                                                    is its HVAC systems. The home’s primary   throughout the house by drawing stale
                                                    space conditioning system is a highly effi-  and moist air from the bathrooms and
                                                    cient (COP 3.92 heating, 6.75 cooling) air-  laundry, and supplying fresh conditioned
                                                    to-water-source heat pump that provides   air to the living and sleeping rooms. The
                                                    space heating and cooling in three ways. It   air is filtered through MERV 13 filters.
                                                    supplies hot or chilled water to a coil within   The HRV has wireless controls and can
                                                    the supply side duct of the heat recovery   be operated remotely through the home’s
                                                    ventilator (HRV). The HRV distributes the   automation system. It has humidity-trig-
                                                    heated or chilled air via ventilation ducts.   gered sensors in the shower rooms and
                                                    The air-to-water heat pump also provides   CO2-triggered sensors in the living room.
                                                    hot and chilled water  to fan coil units  It can also be set for timed or continuous
                                                    located in the first-floor master bedroom   operation. The air intake damper can be
                                                    and the second-floor library, which is open   closed in the event of smoke or bad out-
                                                    to the first-floor living space.    door air quality. The boost setting can be
                                                      There is also a third heating system,   activated to remove forest-fire smoke or
                                                    an in-floor hydronic system, which also   other contaminants that might come in
                                                    uses water heated by the air-to-water heat   when doors are opened.

                                                                            NO GLASS NEEDED.
                                                                            Vinyl-framed windows have
                                                                            U-Factors of 0.14 to 0.16.

                                                   PHOTOVOLTAIC POSITIVE.
                                                   A 12.4-kilowatt (kW) solar system
                                                   gives the home a -19 HERS rating.

                                                                                                                         COURTESY OF ZIGZAG MOUNTAIN ART
                   THICK THINKING. The home’s
                   6.5-inch walls include two layers
                   of oriented strand board (OSB).

                                                       September/October 2021 GREEN BUILDER   29
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