Page 29 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 29

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS
                 Critical Mass

                 R-29 SIP walls, supported by ultra-efficient
                 HVAC and a heat recovery ventilator, mitigate
                 temperature swings in this exceptional home.

                       ETTING USED TO not fiddling   insulation, the home is better than net zero.   program in Seattle and Bellingham,
                       with the heating system was the   Builder Ted Clifton, Jr., likes to call   Washington, since 2004.
                 Gonly difficulty for the homeown-  the building “energy positive,” produc-
                 ers of a new U.S. Department of Energy   ing enough power to run the home and   CARBON NEUTRAL GOALS
                 (DOE) certified Zero Energy Ready Home   an electric car or two. The home’s Home   TC Legend nearly always starts with a
                 (ZERH) built by TC Legend Homes in   Energy  Rating System (HERS) score  super-insulated structural insulated
                 Everson, Washington.               reflects this; a HERS score of 0 or lower   panel (SIP) wall and roof over an insu-
                  “We were used to a forced air furnace   would equal a net zero energy home. The   lated concrete form (ICF) foundation.
                 with a nighttime setback temperature sev-  TC Legend home achieves a -19 when   The  2020  award-winning home  is a
                 eral degrees lower than the daytime tem-  the 12.4-kilowatt (kW) solar system is   two-story, 2,538-square-foot home
                 perature,” says the homeowner. “But in a   included. Even without the photovoltaic   constructed on a slab-on-grade founda-
                 high-mass, super-insulated home, that sim-  (PV)  system,  the  home  would  score  a  tion with 5.25-inch ICF stem walls that
                 ply isn’t necessary. Even in cold weather,   HERS 33, well below the HERS 80 to 90   provide an insulating R-24.3 perimeter
                 it would take several days with no heat to   of typical new homes.     around the structure.
                 cause a significant temperature drop. We   The exceptional performance won TC   The walls are constructed of 6.5-inch
                 don’t have to touch the thermostat.”   Legend a Grand Award in the Custom for   R-29 SIPs consisting of two layers of ori-
                  So, instead of experiencing daily tem-  Buyer category of DOE’s 2020 Housing   ented strand board (OSB) sandwiching
                 perature fluctuations of 64 to 72 degrees   Innovation Awards (HIAs). This is TC   a graphite-enhanced expanded polysty-
                 Fahrenheit, the homeowners are enjoy-  Legend’s sixth DOE HIA winner and the   rene core. TC Legend’s in-house crew
                 ing a constant temperature of 68 degrees.   third Grand Award for the custom builder,   can assemble the walls and roof in three
                 And thanks to exceptional air sealing and   who has certified 27 homes through the   days, because the panels come to the site

                         Average Monthly Energy Bill
                         $0                                           Climate        IECC,4C, marine

                                                                          Dry (B)                      Moist (A)
                                                              Marine (C)
                         Annual Savings                          4                                                     6
                         $2,450                                         5                                   5

                         Calculated versus typical new homes                                       4

                                                                            2                           3
                                                                                               2                 2
                         Saved in the first 30 Years
                         $103,200                                                                                 1

                         Includes fuel escalation rates,
                         2019 EIA Energy Outlook

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