Page 25 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 25

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS
                 Flattening the Curve

                 This home’s carefully constructed structure helps keep
                 temperatures stable inside, at a lower cost.

                       FTER YEARS OF   BUILDING     to the high-performance requirements   category. The 2017 HIA winner was the
                       upscale high-performance homes   of the DOE ZERH program since 2012.   home of Hunter and Miranda Mantell-
                 Afor countless satisfied customers,   Mantell-Hecathorn is the only builder in   Hecathorn, co-principals of the company,
                 builders Greg and Tara  Mantell-Hec-  southwest Colorado to construct all of its   and son and daughter-in-law of Greg and
                 athorn finally got to construct their own   homes to ZERH criteria, with 17 homes   Tara. The house has been featured in the
                 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Zero   certified to date.              local Home Builders’ Association Parade
                 Energy Ready Home (ZERH)-certified   “We have long felt that a third-party   of Homes, subdivision Real Estate Tour,
                 dream home. Located in the beautiful   verified home that is certified under a   and Local Solar Homes Tour.
                 mountains of Durango, Colorado, this   nationally recognized program provides   “This is a showcase home,” Greg Man-
                 3,259-square-foot,  mountain-modern  the best assurance that our homes meet   tell-Hecathorn adds. “It proves that a
                 design incorporates soaring ceilings,  our high performance and sustainability   unique mountain-modern design can
                 exposed beams, oversized triple-pane  goals,” says Greg Mantell-Hecathorn. “The   also embody  comfort at 0 degrees or
                 windows and patio doors, natural stone,   DOE ZERH program provides the best   90 degrees, along with tiny utility bills,
                 Douglas fir and stucco, and a standing   verifiable platform for high standards,   long-term durability, healthy non-toxic
                 seam metal roof.                   while allowing the flexibility to be adapted   indoor air, low maintenance, high qual-
                  Visually stunning inside and out, the   to the wide variety of custom homes that   ity and practicality.”
                 home also showcases the building sci-  we build.”                        The home achieved a Home Energy
                 ence expertise Mantell-Hecathorn Build-  This dedication has paid off. The builder   Rating System (HERS) score of 44, not
                 ers has come to be known for. The com-  was honored with DOE Housing Innova-  including the photovoltaic (PV) system. A
                 pany has been constructing homes that   tion Awards (HIA) in 2015, 2016 and 2017,   typical code-built home would score an
                 far exceed the county and local building   and a Grand Housing Innovation Award   80 to 100; a net zero home would score
                 codes for decades, and has built homes   in 2019 and 2020 in the custom home   0. When the 7.3-kilowatt (kW) solar PV

                         Average Monthly Energy Bill
                         $50                                          Climate        IECC,5B, cold

                                                                          Dry (B)                      Moist (A)
                                                              Marine (C)
                         Annual Savings                          4                                                     6
                         $2,450                                         5                                   5

                         Calculated versus typical new homes                                       4

                                                                            2                           3
                                                                                               2                 2
                         Saved in the first 30 Years
                         $112,700                                                                                 1

                         Includes fuel escalation rates,
                         2019 EIA Energy Outlook

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