Page 22 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 22

Key Features

      AIR SEALING: 1.37 ACH 50; foam gasket and caulk
      at sill plates; open-cell spray foam in rim joists.

      APPLIANCES: ENERGY STAR dishwashers,
      clothes washer, clothes dryer and refrigerator.

      ATTIC: Vented attic: 14-inch R-49 blown-in
      cellulose; 14-inch R-50 open-cell spray foam in
      attic floor above garage and porch.

      climate controls; smart thermostat; solar tracking.

      FOUNDATION: Unvented crawlspace; CMU walls
      insulated on interior with R-11 Batt; 8-mil vapor
      barrier over dirt floor; R-19 open-cell spray foam
      in rim joists.

      HOT WATER: Energy Star-certified, 50-gallon,
      heat pump water heater; UEF 3.42, button-
      operated recirculating pump.

      HVAC: Central heat pump, 10 HSPF, 19.8 SEER;
      rigid metal ducts.

      LIGHTING: 100 percent LED; smart house
      system controls; daylighting.            then filling the wall cavities with fiberglass   design incorporates some special fea-
                                               batts—in this case, R-19 batts that are   tures. The truss design is strengthened
      ROOF: Gable truss roof: R-49 insulation, plywood   compressed to R-16.       from 10 pounds to 15 pounds per square
      sheathing, fire and ice underlayment, ridge vent,   The exterior sheathing is an oriented   foot to accommodate solar panels.
      architectural shingles; 14-inch raised heel trusses;   strand board (OSB) product that has R-3.5   The  trusses  incorporate  a  14-inch
      8⁄12 pitch (optimal) for solar panels.   of rigid foam adhered to the interior side   raised heel to prevent cellulose from being
                                               and a plastic coating on the exterior side   compressed at the eaves. The floor joists
      SOLAR: 5.94 kW; 18 rooftop panels, central inverter.  that, when the seams are taped, serves as a   are insulated with 14 inches of open-cell
                                               weather-resistant barrier and air barrier.   spray foam anywhere rooms are located
      VENTILATION: ERV; MERV 8 or 13 filter supplies   The rim joists are also sealed and insu-  above unconditioned space, such as with
      air to return of central heat pump, pulling from   lated with 5.5 inches of open-cell spray   the garage or porches. The roof itself is
      two house locations.                     foam. Durable fiber-cement siding cov-  sheathed with plywood, ice and water
                                               ers the walls. The sill plate is sealed to the   shield, and 30-year architectural shingles.
      WALLS: 2-by-6, 24-inches on center, R-23 total:   foundation wall with a sill-sealing foam   Ridge and soffit vents provide ventilation
      wall cavity flash and batt 1-inch open-cell spray   gasket and expansive caulk.  to the attic.
      foam plus R-19 fiberglass batt or spray-in cellulose;   The sealed and conditioned crawlspace   Vinyl-framed, single-hung ENERGY
      R-3.5 coated OSB exterior sheathing; fiber cement   is insulated along the interior walls with   STAR-rated windows have low-emissiv-
      siding; open-cell spray foam in rim joists. Designed   R-11 fiberglass batts that are wrapped in   ity coatings and an argon fill to slow heat
      with 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM).  a vapor barrier and draped over the con-  transfer. They have been tested for air
                                               crete block walls so they can be lifted for   tightness by the manufacturer at Healthy
      WATER CONSERVATION: EPA WaterSense       termite inspection. An 8-mil polyethyl-  Communities. The double-pane windows
      fixtures; drought-resistant landscaping.  ene vapor barrier covers the crawlspace   provide an insulation U-Factor of 0.28 and
                                               floor.                              a solar heat gain coefficient of 0.22.
      WINDOWS: Double-pane, argon-filled, low-e,   The 8/12 pitch of the roof is an opti-  The heat pump has a heating season
      vinyl single-hung frames, U=0.28, SHGC=0.22.  mum angle for solar production and yields   performance factor  (HSPF) of 10 and
                                               enough space to set two rows of vertically   a cooling efficiency of 19.8 SEER. The  COURTESY OF HEALTHY COMMUNITIES
      OTHER: EV charging station, low-VOC paints; UL   mounted solar panels on the south side.   central heating system incorporates an
      GREENGUARD and Green Label Plus flooring; natural   The roof trusses are 24 inches on center   optional air cleaning technology that can
      stone building material in bathrooms and entry.  to align with the wall studs, and the truss   remove up to 99.98 percent of airborne

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