Page 17 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 17

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS
                 Wind Breaker

                 To protect this large home’s residents from
                 constant, cold winds, builders installed 11-inch
                 insulating concrete forms and achieved HERS 34

                 L    OCATED ON A HIGH OPEN BLUFF   insulated concrete form (ICF) blocks.  notoriously leaky top plates over all of the
                                                    These provide solid 6-inch concrete walls
                                   corn fields, this
                      surrounded by
                                                                                        exterior walls and covers the 15.25-inch
                      Afton, Minnesota, home gets buf-
                                                                                        raised heel energy trusses.
                                                    covered inside and out with 2.5-inch lay-
                 feted by winds nearly every day. But the   ers of rigid foam. A 2-inch R-10 layer of   The spray foam is topped with R-46 of
                 strong prairie winds are no match for the   rigid foam blankets the ground under the   blown fiberglass for an R-60 total. Out-
                 concrete form walls wrapping this day-  floor slab as well.            side, the roof is covered with half-inch ori-
                 light basement farm house.           The above-grade walls of the basic  ented strand board (OSB) sheathing that
                  The home was constructed by custom   ranch-plus-daylight basement are cov-  is protected with an ice and water shield
                 builder and co-owner Ray Pruban of Ama-  ered with house wrap and clad with engi-  36 inches past the wall line, then topped
                 ris Homes. The energy performance and   neered wood lap siding. The interior walls   with 15# roofing felt, and covered with
                 other features of the 3,357-square-foot   are framed with laminated-strand lumber   architectural asphalt shingles. Two-foot
                 home helped earn a Grand Award in the   (LSL) 2-by-4s, an engineered stud that is   overhangs at the eaves and 1-foot over-
                 custom home category of the U.S. Depart-  straight and smooth for level walls, and   hangs at the gable ends provide shade,
                 ment of Energy (DOE)’s Housing Innova-  fewer future nail pops and drywall cracks.  rain and snow protection.
                 tion Awards competition for 2020.    The attic is vented. The attic floor is   Fiberglass-framed  windows were
                  To protect the home and its occupants   covered with two inches of R-14 closed-  selected in part due to their rigid frame
                 from the heat-robbing effects of the  cell spray foam that effectively air seals   construction, which allowed for larger
                 strong winds, Amaris Homes constructed   around every wire and pipe that pokes   fixed glass in the great room and enter-
                 the structure’s walls from 11-inch-thick   through the ceiling. It also seals the  tainment rooms. The double-pane

                         Average Monthly Energy Bill
                         $0                                           Climate        IECC,6A, cold

                                                                          Dry (B)                      Moist (A)
                                                              Marine (C)
                         Annual Savings                          4                                                     6
                         $4,700                                         5                                   5

                         Calculated versus typical new homes                                       4

                                                                            2                           3
                                                                                               2                 2
                         Saved in the first 30 Years
                         $218,900                                                                                 1

                         Includes fuel escalation rates,
                         2019 EIA Energy Outlook

                                                       September/October 2021 GREEN BUILDER   15
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