Page 19 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2021
P. 19

DOE Annual Building Science Roundup
                                                                                          SILVER          LININGS

                                                      A 50-gallon gas water heater with an   and ventilation, and fewer contaminants
                                                    0.88 efficiency factor provides domestic   in the home.
                                                    hot water and in-floor heating for the   Amaris opts for low-volatile organic
                                                    basement slab. Plumbing fixtures are all   compound  (VOC)  paints,  stains  and
                                                    EPA WaterSense labeled low-flow variet-  adhesives to help keep contaminants out
                                                    ies. The main plumbing loop is 0.75-inch   of the house. A motion-sensor-controlled
                                                    cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) and all   exhaust fan was installed in the garage to
                                                    of the branch lines are half-inch PEX. A   remove pollutants. An air quality sensor
                                                    recirculation pump speeds hot water to   was installed to monitor indoor air quality.
                                                    distant fixtures for shorter wait times.  Pruban also added several aging-in-
                                                      Energy Star appliances and 100 percent   place features, such as wider doors and
                                                    LED lighting add to the energy savings.   hallways, lever-style door handles, a zero-
                                                    Key lighting areas such as the exterior,   barrier shower in the master, and below-
                                                    great room, entertainment room, office   counter drawers and microwaves for easy
                                                    and master bedroom have smart Wi-Fi   wheelchair access.
                                                    lighting; they are also smart phone con-  The home uses water-saving EPA
                                                    trollable. Low-profile LED ceiling lights   WaterSense-rated irrigation and drought-
                                                    were selected so that no recessed cans had   resistant landscaping. The yard was land-
                                                    to be installed in the ceiling.     scaped with a 1,650-square-foot rain gar-
                                                                                        den in the front yard south of the drive-
                                                    FRINGE BENEFITS                     way. The garden was designed, guttered
                                                    The home meets all of the clean air and   and graded to accept 100 percent of the
                                                    moisture management requirements of   garage roof rain water and 50 percent of
                                                    the EPA’s Indoor airPLUS program (itself   the house roof rain water, plus any runoff
                                                    a DOE ZERH requirement); this equates   from the driveway approach, landing and
                                                    to lower indoor humidity, better filtration   turnaround.

           TIGHT ENVELOPE.
           Spray foam and
           acoustic sealant give
           the home 0.64 ACH
           50 performance.

        R-33 walls include water drainage.
                                                                                                                         COURTESY OF AMARIS HOMES

                                                       September/October 2021 GREEN BUILDER   17
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