Page 24 - Green Builder Magazine Jul-Aug 2021
P. 24
Greyter Water Systems
S 3% 8%
A of U.S. energy of greenhouse gases
The amount used to pump and treat The amount created by the nation’s
water for homes and businesses water treatment actions
S A DROUGHT CONTINUES to burn through most entirely earth friendly, according to the U.S. Environmental
of Western North America, the last thing a resi- Protection Agency (EPA). Three percent of the nation’s energy
dent in those parts might think about is their toilet. is used to pump and treat water, a number that translates
A But in a few years, the water in every home’s toilet into 8 percent of CO2e for the year. “So, conserving water
bowls might be what people just bathed in. conserves energy,” the agency notes. “And that reduces
That may sound a bit bizarre, but to the team at Greyter greenhouse gas pollution.”
Water Systems, it makes perfect sense. They note that one- John Bell, Greyter Water Systems’ co-founder and vice
third of all water used in the home goes down the drain, most president of business development for residential homes,
of it via the bathroom. All of it begins as precious, drinkable has a very common-sense point of view: “It makes absolutely
H2O. What better place to start with conservation? no sense to flush toilets with drinking water.”
There’s also that greenhouse gas situation. Flushing a Enter the Greyter HOME Water Recycling System, a
toilet and rising carbon dioxide emissions (CO2e) seem a stackable washer and dryer-sized unit that captures shower
few mountain ranges apart on the “we killed the world” scale. and bathtub runoff, then filters it to near-potable quality for
But generating the energy needed to send water into homes use during toilet flushing. About two showers a day supplies
and other public places, as well as heating or cooling it, isn’t enough gray water to handle the daily flushing actions of a
Setting a standard. Consumers like the Greyter HOME Water Recycling System A Greyter way. Company co-founder John Bell believes an ultra-efficient
because it efficiently repurposes shower and bathtub runoff. Builders like it 99.9 percent filtration system—which cuts indoor H2O consumption by
because it’s easy to install. And Greyter staff like it because it’s good for the world. up to 25 percent—makes the water recycling unit an obvious choice.
22 GREEN BUILDER July/August 2021