Page 10 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 10



                                                                                                                                                Page 18 10.2015  HERE’S A SAMPLE OF WHAT’S INSIDE:            EDITOR’S NOTE                                                   02
                                   “The ReBuilding Center also                  The Inside Scoop                                                10
                                   offers its DeConstruction
                                   Services, which began in                     FIELD REPORT                                                    30
                                   August of 1999. Working
                                   by hand, skilled teams of                    News About Sustainability Issues and Green Products             39
                                   employees and volunteers
                                   salvage up to 85 percent                     BRAVE, NEW ALTERNATIVE                                          47
                                   of a building’s major                        CONSTRUCTION UNIVERSE
                                   components for reuse. ”                                                                                      56
                                   (p. 46)                                      From net-zero-energy homes to low-carbon masonry units,         58
                                                                                these progressive concepts will take the construction industry  64
                                   ON THE COVER                                 to a new, sustainable level.

                                   BEYOND STICKS AND BRICKS                     FUNCTIONAL FORMS

                                   Artist: Liza Kelley                          Winners of the perFORM competition, hosted by Pacific
                                                                                Northwest builder Hammer & Hand, show off their designs for
                                   Visit us at        a net-zero-energy multi-use building on an urban infill site.
                                   for up-to-date news analysis, case studies,
                                   new green projects, code and reg updates,    A KEEN SENSE OF PURPOSE
                                   thought-provoking blogs, cutting-edge
                                   products and much more.                      This behind-the-scenes look at KEEN, best known for its
                                                                                high-quality footwear, reveals the company’s commitment
                                                                                to community and responsible industry.

                                                                                PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT:
                                                                                INSULATION AND AIR SEALING

                                                                                Learn about the latest innovations in this highly competitive
                                                                                product category.

                                                                                INNOVATION UPDATE

                                                                                Breakthroughs in Sustainable Technology,
                                                                                Sponsored by Bosch LLC


                                                                                The Latest on Green-Related Construction Rules and Regulations

                                                                                FROM THE TAILGATE

                                                                                New Offerings for the Sustainable Minded
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