Page 9 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 9

Volume 10, Issue 10
                                                                             October 2015

                                                 Published by Green Builder® Media

            GREEN BUILDER MAGAZINE                       GREEN BUILDER MAGAZINE STAFF                         Problems with                      NOT ALL
                             Editorial Offices                                            EDITORIAL     your subscription?                       HOUSE WRAPS ARE
                                   PO Box 1887                                                                                                   CREATED EQUAL.
                                                                   Matt Power Editor-in-Chief                   For assistance, please contact
                      Eastsound, WA 98245                          Sarah Davis, Project Coordinator    TYPAR®, a PGI Brand, like
                                360-376-4702                                                          other laminated house wraps, is
                                                                              360-376-4702 x104                                                  comprised of a thin lm coating
                             F: 360-376-4703                                                                             or 360-376-4702 x109    on a mesh backing. e thin lm
                             Juliet Grable Managing Editor                                                    layer is added to meet water and
                                   Subscription Information       air resistance standards. is layer
                                                                                                                   Subscribe to Green Builder    is very delicate and can be easily
GREEN BUILDER MEDIA LEADERSHIP                                                 360-376-4702 x110             magazine and receive valuable       damaged on the job site. Once
                      Sara Gutterman CEO                                                                information about how to increase        damaged, the functional layer,
                                                                  O’Brien Design Art Direction         your bottom line, differentiate your      which can vary from 4.8 to 22.6                           business, and change the world.       microns in thickness, no longer
                         360-376-4702 x101                                                                       At $39.95, it’s an easy return  provides adequate resistance to air
                                                                                     207-865-9908            on your investment. Just go to      and water in ltration.
                        Ron Jones President                                                     and                       Therese Workman Copy Editor              click on “subscribe.” To unsubscribe
                                                                  or change your address, e-mail your
                         360-376-4702 x102                                                                 name, company, and address to:
                                  Cati O’Keefe           Mary Kestner Production Manager
             Chief Development Officer /                              Green Builder has reduced
                                                                                                                     its environmental impact
                             Editorial Director                               360-376-4702 x107                                                                       through Zerofootprint Offsets
                                                                            ADVERTISING SALES     
                         360-376-4702 x105                             Craig M. Coale Publisher         Almost all of the natural resources
                                                            used to produce Green Builder will
                                                                                                            be returned to the environment       DuPont™ Tyvek®         TYPAR® house wraps
                                                                              360-376-4702 x103              by planting trees and restoring     HomeWrap® is uniquely  consist of a thin,
                                                                                  or 513-344-9754                                                engineered so its
                                                                                                              watersheds. Also, greenhouse       functionality extends  functional film coating
                                                                                      CIRCULATION                 emissions will be mitigated    the full thickness
                                                         Sarah O. Davis Project Coordinator                        through carbon offsetting.    of the product.        on a structural mesh.
                                                                                                                 (Printed on recycled paper.)
                                                                              360-376-4702 x109        zerofootprint

                                                              GREEN BUILDER MEDIA STAFF                    ENERGY
                                                                       GENERAL INFORMATION
                                                                                                             NEW! SUBSCRIBE TO
                                                                         OUR NEWSLETTERS
                                                                                       ACCOUNTING                     enewsletter-subscribe
                                                 Catherine Vierthaler Director of Finance
                                                                              360-376-4702 x108

Scan here to subscribe                                                   SPECIAL PROJECTS                                                           e electron micrographs show
        to Green Builder                                                 Heather M. Wallace                                                      that DuPont™ Tyvek® HomeWrap®
        magazine today!                                    Director VISION House Series /                                                        is uniquely engineered so its ability
                                                      Marketing & Social Media Manager                                                           to resist air and water extends the
                                                                                                                                                 full thickness of the product. Insist
                                                                                                  on DuPont™ Tyvek® for superior
                                                                          360-376-4702 x106                                                      performance.

     Scan here to learn                                                     ISSN 1559-4971               di
              more about                              The trademark and service mark               
                                                 GREEN BUILDER is registered under
Green Builder® Media.                             the U.S. Trademark Act for a variety

                                                                   of goods and services.

                                                 MISSION STATEMENT: “Our mission is to effect meaningful,                                        Copyright © 2015 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo,
                                                 positive change for a better world. As advocates for                                            DuPont™ and Tyvek® are registered trademarks or trademarks of
                                                 sustainability, we provide mind-expanding information that                                      E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its affiliates.
                                                 catalyzes and inspires commitment to sustainable living.”
                                                                                                                                                 TYPAR® is a registered trademark of PGI Brands. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                 This advertisement compares only TYPAR®, a PGI Brand house wrap, and
                                                                                                                                                 DuPont™ Tyvek®. T YPAR®, a PGI Brand house wrap, should not be confused
                                                                                                                                                 with other products branded Typar in other regions of the world.
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