Page 34 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 34

Overall Winner:
32 Efficiency through Cohousing

           This project was recognized for its strong urban and environmental response,
           well-considered proportions and design restraint, and emphasis on building
           energy performance as the path to a net-zero-energy building.

                                   THE 3 GREEN BARS BUILDING         Design Context. The design gives
                                                                     due consideration to Sandy
                                                                     Boulevard by alluding to the street’s
                                                                     diagonal orientation without being
                                                                     strictly defined by it. 10.2015

                                   Tight Buildings. The walls, roof  Shared Spaces. The three bars
                                   and floor are designed as highly  are stitched together by two
                                   insulated assemblies with         common spaces that bridge
                                   controlled fenestration.          across on the second level.
                                                                     Twenty-two studio units are
                                                                     encouraged to use the commons,
                                                                     which include kitchen, dining
                                                                     and laundry facilities. The shared
                                                                     appliances reduce energy
                                                                     consumption by 30 percent.
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