Page 55 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 55


                                                                                                                                      IMAGE CREDIT: BRETT AND SUE COULTON

Alternative Approach. Straw bales do not have as high an R-value per inch as “conventional” insulating materials, but the walls                                   10.2015
are much thicker. Plastered straw bale walls also function as thermal mass.

SOMETIMES THE STRUCTURE is the insulation. This                         greater thermal mass (higher proportion of clay). Some
           is true of many “natural” building systems, such as          “hybrid” systems incorporate rigid foam insulation to ramp
           straw bale, solid wood, rammed earth and clay-               up the insulating value of walls; for example, rammed earth
           straw, although it’s important to understand that the        builders in cold climates often sandwich rigid foam between
insulating value of each varies. In general, straw bale has a           reinforced rammed earth walls.
greater insulating value than earth-based wall systems, but
even the R-value of straw bales varies with the type of bales             These materials also have low embodied energy and tend
and the degree of compression.                                          to be sourced locally and finished (when necessary) with
                                                                        natural materials such as earthen plasters. But although the
  With systems utilizing these natural materials, R-value is            material cost tends to be much less than “conventional”
just part of the story. They also function as thermal mass,             counterparts, the cost of labor is often higher.
absorbing and slowly releasing heat. In a house with good
passive solar design, this thermal mass can effectively                   Structural insulated panels (SIPs) and insulated concrete
regulate indoor temperatures. Some systems—clay-straw, for              forms (ICFs) represent other building systems in which the
example—are flexible enough so that the mix can be tailored             structure incorporates the insulation. Both SIPs and ICF
for greater insulating value (higher proportion of straw) or            construction create airtight building envelopes; ICFs also
                                                                        have the advantage of thermal mass.

as an alternative to plastic foam. But wood fibreboard, which has       rock wool boards you can drive on and glass fiber you spray into
some of wood foam’s properties, has been around for some time           overhead spaces are examples of products that have long been
and fills a niche role in the market. Finally, we’re still keeping our  around and are slowly gaining traction,” he says. “But there are
eye on Ecovative’s Mushroom Insulation, which is not yet widely         few new products. Aerogel and vacuum panels are too expensive
available.                                                              for buildings, and it will take a while before that changes, if ever.
                                                                        With insulation, it is the use and installation of the products that
  Straube suggests that the emphasis should lie more on the             is important and exciting.” GB
application of the product than the product itself. “High-density
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