Page 59 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 59

Time Saver. Charging the battery                                                                                                                    battery feature an innovative charging         57
while it’s on the tool eliminates the                                                                                                               system that ensures more resistance
need for multiple batteries and saves                                                                                      ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP.  against water, dust and dirt for better
pros from the hassle of dead batteries.                                                                                                             overall durability and longer battery life.
                                                                              THE NEW KID                                                                                                 10.2015
        higher voltage batteries, features such as                                                                                                    This power advancement is based on
        cooling fins or other cooling enhancements                            In the ongoing effort to increase                                     contactless energy transfer, also known
        should be incorporated into the shell to                              productivity by eliminating downtime,                                 as inductive charging. When the charger
        dissipate heat.                                                       a new versatile, dependable power tool                                is plugged in and a compatible battery is
                                                                              battery system has emerged. Bosch has                                 placed on it, the charger begins wirelessly
        CUSTOMIZABLE AND                                                                                                                            transmitting an alternating magnetic field.
        TASK-SPECIFIC TOOLS                                                                                                                         The battery, featuring an internal copper
        Lithium-ion technology allows                                                                                                               coil, acts as a receiver. As the alternating
        manufacturers to develop higher amp-                                                                                                        magnetic field penetrates the coil, voltage
        draw tools, but also powerful compact                                                                                                       is induced and a charging current flows to
        tools. At the lower end of the voltage                                                                                                      the cells until full. Similar to conventional
        spectrum, manufacturers can offer an                                                                                                        charging, the battery and charger are in
        impressive step up in power in the                                                                                                          constant communication during the
        smallest packages. For example, most                                                                                                        charge process to ensure proper charge
        of today’s drill/drivers far exceed the                                                                                                     and a long battery life.
        level of torque users need for common
        everyday tasks, such as driving fasteners                                                                                                   THE CHANGING MARKETPLACE
        and drilling pilot holes. But without a
        powerful ultra-compact solution, most                                                                                                       Most trade professionals run their
        users would be forced to carry around                                                                                                       businesses with 18-V lithium-ion power
        heavier overpowered tools. With lithium-                                                                                                    because it’s reliable and readily available.
        ion, compact drill/drivers can accomplish                                                                                                   But users continue to pursue options that
        the majority of the day’s work. These tools                                                                                                 give them an edge: speed, performance,
        generally come in a 12-V size and will even
        fit into a smaller storage case. They can    ROBERT BOSCH TOOL CORP.
        also take on unique configurations to fit
        into hard-to-reach areas.                                             Flexible Charging. The Bosch Wireless Charging System allows pros to charge power
                                                                              tools virtually anywhere, including while in a moving vehicle or between jobs.
          For applications where a heavy-duty tool
        is required, lithium-ion power makes tools                            taken a lead position in this effort with                             ease of use or runtime. The nature of the
        such as a one-inch rotary hammer with                                 its introduction of a wireless power tool                             job at hand always dictates power tool
        chipping capability, a hand-held band saw,                            charging system. This system ensures                                  requirements in the construction trades.
        heavy-duty reciprocating saws and other                               tools are always power ready—anytime,                                 It’s certain that increased 12V, 18V and 36V
        high-power, robust products possible.                                 anyplace. The Bosch Wireless Charging                                 battery power that’s more powerful, lasts
                                                                              System allows pros to charge power tools                              longer and delivers maximum runtime will
                                                                              virtually anywhere—in a moving vehicle,                               continue to drive demand. GB
                                                                              between jobs, with the battery on the tool
                                                                              or off—eliminating the need for multiple                              Tim Truesdale is Product Manager, Cordless
                                                                              batteries and saving pros from the hassle                             for Robert Bosch Tool Corporation
                                                                              of dead batteries. The wireless charger and                 
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