Page 38 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 38
Millennials by Income
Upper income
Making more than $125,000 a year
14% This group represents
of the millennial 11% 35%
population is
considered upper
income homebuyers homebuyers
aged 20-29 aged 30-39
Millennials in this segment are generally inclined
Achieving certain life to make purchase decisions based on social values
goals such as financial and sustainability. For example, they will become
success, having a fulfilling loyal to a brand based on a company’s mission,
corporate sustainability commitments, and stance
job and having children are
on social justice issues.
important to millennials
but are not at the top of Middle class
the list. Respondents
ranked happiness Making $55,000-$124,000 a year
first. Protecting the This group represents
environment and health/
wellness were tied for 29%
second, and being liked 65% 51%
of the millennial
and respected came in population is
third. Having children, considered middle homebuyers homebuyers
traveling and service to class aged 20-29 aged 30-39
others were lower
This segment tends to make purchase
on the list.
decisions based on nostalgic
experiences, stories and relationships.
When making decisions
about where to live, Lower income
individuals within Making less than $55,000 a year
this audience
segment prioritize This group represents
neighborhood 57%
quality and safety, 29% 15% 25%
then location, freedom of the millennial
population is
to travel, and healthy
considered in the
homes, followed closely lower income bracket homebuyers homebuyers
by proximity to open aged 20-29 aged 30-39
space and walking
This group is more cost-conscious,
trails and proximity focusing on stretching dollars to get as
to activities. much bang for the buck as possible.