Page 52 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 52


      Place to chill. Where there was once
      an angled closed-up kitchen wall, there is
      now an open view to the living room, and
      more light. Cernoch replaced the single
      refrigerator in that space with a wall of high-
      end cooling: The Signature Kitchen Suite
      30-inch Integrated Column Refrigerator
      and Freezer are flanked by two 18-inch
      Integrated Wine Column Refrigerators.
      Rounding out the team’s decision to
      coordinate with all SKS stainless products
      is the 24-inch PowerSteam Stainless Steel

                                                                                            Island roots. The team went
               Beams bring light. Cernoch deleted         Timeless beauty. Michalek         back and forth on whether to have
               the wall between the kitchen and the living   specified a BOCCHI Contempo Step-  an island, finally deciding that there
               room, which meant adding a beam header.    Rim 36-inch sink, which is made   should be one because the couple
               That header will match the others required   from Fireclay, a 100 percent natural   uses the current one frequently.
               to convert the house to an open floor plan.   organic and recyclable material that   “We are considering a pretty blue
               Cernoch addressed the dark hallway that runs   is 19 times smoother than regular   island, light gray cabinets, and a
               behind the kitchen and living room by opening   glazed ceramic surfaces. Quartz   ‘greige’ wood floor,” Michelak says.
               up the wall and integrating the thruway into the   surface countertops are from   “The challenge is that gray can be
               living space.                              LG Hausys’ Viatera Masterpiece    cold. We don’t want it to be brown.”
                                                          Collection in Adagio Gold.

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