Page 56 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 56
Scottsdale Project
Gets an IAQ Boost
with Sherwin-Williams
Living Well Collection
Chosen for its high-performance High IAQ. The bathroom features Let It Rain SW
specs, Sherwin-Williams 9152 from the Unwind Living Well palette.
SuperPaint with Sanitizing
Technology contains an EPA
says, the sanitizing properties endure over time, and “will continue
registered microbicide that kills to kill 90 percent of bacteria for up to four years when the integrity
certain bacteria. of the surface is maintained.”
But how does this life cycle work in the real world? Is four years
fairly typical in terms of when people change colors or recoat?
BY MATT POWER “Based on our research, most people tend to repaint every three
T’S NO ACCIDENT THAT BUILDING scientist Steve Easley will to five years,” Sherwin-Williams Director of Color Marketing Sue
be using Sherwin-Williams new Living Well™ collection on our Wadden says. “So that falls in just about the right range.”
ReVISION House Scottsdale project this summer. After several Wadden adds that while the air-purifying chemistry is a big part of
years of research, testing and certification, the paint company the Living Well story for ReVISION House Scottsdale, the 11 curated
has introduced SuperPaint with Sanitizing Technology* and color collections will be what turn heads when the project gets its
SuperPaint with Air Purifying Technology** (see sidebar for final finish.
I disclosures) to the brand.
If you’re skeptical about paint that claims to help improve air KEYS TO DURABILITY
quality, you may feel more comfortable knowing that Easley and The paint’s life cycle is not dependent on the new additives — simply
the rest of the Scottsdale project team in Arizona have done their enhanced by them.
due diligence. They’ve reviewed the technical specs and certifying “It’s a product that’s been around for 40 years,” Watson notes.
materials for the product, making certain that it performs as claimed. “Even before I got here. But like I always say, it’s getting the substrate
Sherwin-Williams Director of Product Information and Technical right that really impacts life cycle. Paint is a wear layer. The goal
Services Rick Watson notes that SuperPaint with Sanitizing is to have the paint degrade over time, not the substrate. And the
Technology paint “will kill 99.9 percent of Staph, MRSA and E. coli conditions inside the home matter, too. You still need to have good
on painted surfaces within two hours of exposure.” In addition, he ventilation, to prevent mold and mildew.”
54 GREEN BUILDER May/June 2021