Page 59 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
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announced that their employees will continue to work from home must be reimagined and redesigned with visitors’ health and
well into 2021. safety in mind. Such revisions must include separating exits from
Some economists see continued strength in the residential entrances so that visitors face reduced exposure to one another.
market for 2021 for additions, remodeling and new home Similar design issues are under consideration by builders and
construction. This positivity reflects the current trend toward architects for all building types, from homes to offices.
making home environments more suitable for working while
living with families. TECHNOLOGY CHANGES
The awareness and use of technology in the AEC is definitely
LIFESTYLE AND DESIGN CHANGES increasing. When I asked a client about getting site data for their
The pandemic shutdowns have created a significant increase in project, they told me, “We can get someone to do a drone survey
the number of people working at home and students studying at of the property if you like, and provide you with photos, video and
home. This has heightened awareness and interest in residential topographic data.” I was pleased and impressed.
building and design solutions, compared to previous years. The During a Zoom call, another client gave me a cell phone tour
increased interest may result in
design changes and more use of
technology to address limitations
that the pandemic has caused —
including changes in business
practices, such as requiring
employees to work remotely.
Also, many people now have a
significantly increased interest
in health in the home.
The increase in the use of
online conferencing technologies
for working and meeting from
home is significant. It has become
quite common for people in the
building industry to meet with
clients and business associates
online to discuss projects.
I recently had an informal
conversation with a couple who
want to build a new house. “We
both are working at home now
and we like it,” they said, “but we
each need to have our own offices
in our new home.” This is one
example of how housing design
will change due to the pandemic.
Crowded house. The coronavirus pandemic has forced many employees and students to work and study
Increased awareness of health
as it relates to green building from home for more than a year. CREDIT: CHAMELEONSEYE/SHUTTERSTOCK
design has people concerned about air quality, allergies, outdoor of their current house and pointed out what they liked and didn’t
air pollution and even technology. They’re asking, “What kind of like about it. This was possible thanks to technological advances
air filtering systems are available for our new home to protect unheard of a decade ago. And there was no need to drive to or from
our health?” Or, “How can I make our home function well a meeting, because of the use of online conferencing technology.
technologically, with adults working from home and our children
studying at home?” AI IN THE AEC
From homes to public buildings, new designs are being The idea of using artificial intelligence (AI) may be new to many
considered and existing building layouts are being reconsidered. participants in the AEC and the green building industry. But AI
An example would be a firm that specializes in designing children’s will have far-reaching implications in the near term and in the
museums. Architects would be studying how to reconfigure many future. I say this for two reasons.
of their existing projects, as well as how they would lay out new First, it is already happening. In researching a talk I gave
museums. A place like a children’s museum, where everyone has at a conference earlier this year, “AI in the AEC 2021,” I found
been encouraged to touch many things and push many buttons, numerous examples of AI already in use by innovative companies, May/June 2021 GREEN BUILDER 57