Page 62 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 62
For a sustainable future
SOLID WORK When it comes to a wet
environment, marine lumber offers
a durable, environmentally safe
alternative to traditional wood.
properties in waterfront settings should consider this material,
which marine contractors working in sectors ranging from
oceanfront communities to bridges, marinas, ports and harbors
are increasingly opting for.
Key to the growing popularity of sustainable marine lumbers
has been legislation designed to protect our waters and
surrounding environments. Chief among these laws are the
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and Clean Water
Act of 1972. In addition, a series of very high-profile maritime
incidents involving major oil spills helped step up regulations and
enforcement actions by agencies such as the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Department of Commerce.
While laws were passed to govern the transport of hazardous
materials, many also emphasized construction materials that
do not leach hazardous chemicals into the water or are prone
to degrade in less than 10 years. Materials that have been
traditionally specified are reinforced concrete, coated steel and
composite plastics.
Sustainable marine lumbers are newer to the field but are quickly
gaining ground for their environmentally sound properties and
Green leader. Marine lumber is certified by the Forest
other attributes. In addition, nothing can compare to the look and
Service Council to have been responsibly harvested. It can
feel of natural wood. Not only does sustainable wood protect the
lead a trend away from concrete and steel in home and
environment where it is installed, it actually protects the forest
building construction. CREDIT: GEORGE STANLEY/FLICKR
where the wood originates — it gives the forest a value, which
protects it from destruction by miners or plantation farmers.
more consumers, municipalities and builders recognize the broad It began back in the Industrial Revolution, when economic
benefits that it provides. For consumers, what resonates most development activities were first identified as having a negative
about green building is its contribution to clear air and water, and impact on the environment. Fast forward to more recent years,
reduced exposure to toxins, according to a U.S. Green Building and several key regulatory initiatives appear: the Coastal Zone
Council research study. Act Reauthorization Amendments of 1990, which began regulating
From advancing the efficient use of energy, water and other marinas’ activities relating to their addition of pollutants in coastal
resources, to reducing indoor pollution and toxins released into waters; and enhancements to the Clean Water Act, including the
the air, ground and waters, green building’s charismatic benefits National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, which provided
have led to its great popularity. It has understandably grown to an direction on marina design and construction through the EPA’s
$81 billion market in the U.S. alone, according to Statista research. and NOAA’s joint effort, the Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control
Adding to its strong value proposition are the day-to-day and Program. More widely applied guidance then came from research
year-over-year cost savings that green building projects deliver that provided builders of diverse projects, from commercial to
to homeowners and contractors. residential, a best practices process for sustainable development
For waterfront properties, in particular, one material that is and project management.
providing significant benefits from an environmental and cost Ethical sourcing of sustainable marine lumber is a mandate
standpoint is sustainable marine lumber. Builders constructing of the Forest Stewardship Council Under its FSC®C117772,
60 GREEN BUILDER May/June 2021