Page 63 - Green Builder Magazine May-June 2021
P. 63

select marine lumbers are certified to have
                 been harvested from forests that are managed
                 responsibly according to environmental, social
                 and economic goals. These lumbers also reflect
                 the principles of eco-friendly construction and
                 engineering with nature principles.
                  Among the prominent sustainable marine lum-
                 bers is greenheart wood, which is responsibly
                 harvested from Guyana. Greenheart (a.k.a. Chlo-
                 rocardium Rodiei) is highly valued for its high
                 strength and durability, as well as its pest and
                 marine borer resistance. This sustainable marine
                 lumber is virtually immune to rot and requires
                 minimal maintenance. This latter factor is key
                 in eliminating the risk of toxic chemicals spilling
                 into water. In contrast, soft woods such as pine
                 not only rot and give way to insects, but they are
                 also subject to heavy mold and fungi, therefore
                 requiring regular maintenance and the related
                 costs. These soft woods, along with composites,
                 have lifespans of approximately 25 years, which
                 is one-third that of sustainable marine lumbers
                                                         Natural beauty. A high-density wood, marine lumber glues easily, holds nails well and
                 such as greenheart, with a lifespan of more than
                 75 years.                               almost never requires staining. CREDIT: COURTESY OF EVERGREEN FOREST PRODUCTS
                                                                                  waters and their environs are home to groupers,
                 SUSTAINABLE MARINE LUMBER APPLICATIONS    Other key properties   angelfish, triggerfish and  butterfly  fish. The
                 When building with greenheart, power with a   of sustainable marine   Gulf Coast of Florida provides a natural habitat
                 moderate to high blunting effect is required.  lumber further    for many sea turtles, dolphins and manatees.
                 Builders will appreciate the sustainable marine                  Sustainable marine lumber does not introduce
                 hardwood’s turning and planning properties,  illustrate the product’s   any pollutants into marine environments.
                 despite its high density with interlocking grain   performance features,   Among the prevailing trends in green building
                 lumber. Other perks for its application include its   and construction and   today is the use of new building tools designed to
                 ability to glue easily and hold nails well within the   application benefits:  calculate a property’s carbon footprint from its
                 recommended pre-boring for nails and screws. It                  inception to its completion. This tool evolved from
                 requires little, if any, staining and polishes well.   AIR DRIED DENSITY    the application of building information modeling
                 Aesthetically, it is attractive lumber for residential   (12%) of 970 kg/  wherein computer-generated images enable
                 and municipal waterfront properties. It offers a fine   m3 (kilogram/cubic meter)  contractors to envision their  projects and how
                 to medium-fine grain, which varies from straight                 different construction materials will perform over
                                                           BENDING STRENGTH
                 to interlocking and has an appealing natural luster.             time.
                                                           (at 12%) of 240 N/mm²
                 Typically, heartwood has a pale olive green shade,                Using a carbon footprint calculator, a builder
                 often with a darker streaking accent. Its sapwood   MODULUS OF ELASTICITY    can determine the amount of energy used to
                 is yellowish green.                       (at 12%) of 24500 N/mm²  produce the building materials, and what the
                  This sustainable marine lumber is well-suited   CLASS A FIRE RATING,   carbon footprint of different building materials
                 for use in docks, decks, handrails, boardwalks   making it highly resistant   will be. The builder can determine, thereby, which
                 and flooring, as well as in piers, lock gates, ferry   to fire, and it does not   would be the optimum choice from a standpoint
                 stations and harbor works.                spread flames quickly  of sustainability and environmental protection.
                                                                                  Given their properties and lifespans, sustainable
                 PROTECTING MARINE LIFE ECOSYSTEMS                                marine lumbers are likely to perform well under
                 For those concerned with the impact of construction on the   the carbon footprint calculation test. These lumbers also support
                 environment, sustainable marine lumber has a minimal negative   the trend away from concrete and steel and towards wood for its
                 effect on waterways, wetlands and marine ecosystems. That’s a   properties in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. GB
                 big point, because of the myriad of ecosystems that exist. On the
                 East Coast, for example, striped bass, fluke, blackfish, crabs and   Charles Zimmerman is president of Evergreen Forest Products,
                 lobsters, along with organisms such as corals, sponges, tunicates   a Wading River, New York-based importer and supplier of premium,
                 and sea anemones, reside in marine ecosystems. Gulf stream   sustainable hardwoods.

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