Page 41 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2017
P. 41

Reducing Demand
                   Just as a high-performance home
                   reduces energy demand before                              The Scoop on NSF 350
                   adding solar panels, The Flex House                       NSF/ANSI 350 and 350-1 establish material, design, construction and
                   shrinks its water footprint by first                      performance requirements for onsite residential and commercial water
                   reducing demand with efficient                            reuse treatment systems and set water quality requirements for the reduction
                   faucets and fixtures provided by                          of chemical and microbiological contaminants for non-potable water use.
                   American Standard.                                        Treated wastewater can be used for restricted indoor water use, such as toilet
                     Both the toilet and lavatory faucet                     and urinal flushing, (and in California, for laundry washing) and unrestricted
                   are certified by the EPA WaterSense                       outdoor water use, including lawn irrigation and vehicle washing. Several
                   program. By definition, WaterSense-                   CREDIT: BOSCH USA  codes, including the International Residential Code (IRC) and Universal
                   labeled products use 20 percent                           Plumbing Code (UPC) recognized NSF 350 in the 2015 code cycle.
                   less water than their conventional
                   counterparts, but these products go
                   even further.  The contemporary-  Numbers (not) up. Lack of a   Using Water Twice
                   style faucet uses 1.2 gallons per   dedicated return line and   The Flex House also demonstrates a graywater system from
                   minute (gpm), while the toilet uses   inclusion of a recirculation   Nexus eWater, consisting of a NEXtreater graywater treatment
                   1.1 gallons per flush (gpf), exceeding   pump helps the Bosch   unit and a Recycle Ready Assembly, a pre-assembled graywater
                   the WaterSense standards of 1.5 gpm   Greentherm 9000 series   collection system. Such systems typically capture two out of
                                                  tankless water heater
                   and 1.28 gpf, respectively.    save 11,000 gallons a year   every three gallons of indoor water for reuse in landscaping and
                     In  the  kitchen,  the  sleek  Beale   per household.   for toilet flushing.
                   pull-down “touchless” faucet enables  The appliance-like NEXtreater uses floatation, physical and car-
                   hands-free operation and can be turned on or off by waving a hand in   bon filtration and UV disinfection to treat graywater to NSF 350
                   front of the sensor; sliding the door over the sensor enables manual   standards. Developed by NSF International, this standard estab-
                   mode. The faucet’s maximum flow is 1.5 gpm, below the maximum   lishes requirements and water
                   threshold of 1.8 gpm for kitchen faucets set by the stringent Cal-  quality standards for onsite re-
                                               Green program. (At present,   use systems. California adopt-
                                               the WaterSense program does   ed NSF 350 into the California
                                               not certify kitchen faucets.)  Plumbing Code in 2013, which
                                                 The company is maintaining   opened up opportunities for
                                               performance with these lower   mainstreaming graywater re-
                                               flows through technological   use throughout the state. The
                                               innovations and high-quality   NEXtreater was the first gray-
                                               manufacturing.              water product to receive this
                                                 “Performance with conserva-  certification and remains the
                                                                           only one widely available in
                                               tion—that’s what I like to tell
                  CREDIT: AMERICAN STANDARD    people,” says James Walsh, vice   California. With its products,   Ready to Go. The Recycle Ready   CREDIT: NEXUS
                                                                           Nexus eWater has positioned
                                               president of product manage-
                                               ment at LIXIL Americas, the
                                                                           itself to provide market-ready
                                                                           and code-compliant systems
                                               business unit under which
                                                                                                     includes a 75-gallon holding tank
                   Wise idea. The FloWise three-  American Standard operates.   to builders, developers and   Assembly from Nexus eWater
                                                                           homeowners across California.
                                               He cites products such as the
                                                                                                     and a 200-gallon reservoir for
                   function showerhead from    FloWise three-function shower-  “We’ve taken a produc-  treated graywater.
                   American Standard automatically                                         
                   reverts to the 1.5-gpm      head as an example of a prod-  tized, modular approach to
                    water-saving mode.         uct that combines performance   onsite graywater recycling,” explains Tom Wood, CEO for Nexus
           with water savings. The show-  eWater. “The Recycle Ready Assembly makes installation simple
                   erhead includes a 1.5-gpm water-saving mode that uses a turbine   for builders and contractors—there are just five connections—and
                   to rotate the head, providing the user with a full, satisfying spray.   the NEXtreater was designed to be as simple to use as an air con-
                     The Greentherm condensing gas tankless water heater from Bosch   ditioner.”
                   also helps save water. Models in the Greentherm 9000 series include   The Recycle Ready Assembly includes a holding tank for untreated
                   a built-in recirculation pump and require no dedicated return line.   graywater and a larger reservoir for treated graywater. The company
                   This drastically reduces the time spent waiting for hot water at the   is advocating that new construction with dual plumbing go a step
                   tap, and the company claims this feature can save an estimated   further and add a Recycle Ready Assembly.
                   11,000 gallons a year per household. The compact appliance is also   Dual plumbing keeps graywater from showers, sinks and washing
                   a good fit for this smaller-footprint home.             machines separate from the wastewater from dishwashing and

                                                      September/October 2017  GREEN BUILDER  39

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