Page 45 - Green Builder Magazine Sept-Oct 2017
P. 45


                   The Flex House

                   Shelter Dynamics and Green
                   Builder  Media will exhibit
                   The Flex House in Las Vegas
                   early next year. The third
                   of three planned exhibitions.
                   Consumer Electronics Show
                   January 9-12, 2018

                                                                           its customers’ accounts and watering schedules. The ability to
                   Stretching the Water Budget                             control many schedules at once holds the potential for reducing
                   Ordinances such as MWELO also mandate the use of “weather-based”   peak water demand.
                   irrigation controllers such as the WaterSense smart controllers offered   For this study, 15 homeowners were provided with Rachio smart
                   by Rachio. These controllers can significantly reduce irrigation water   controllers, and the homeowners agreed to have their irrigation
                   use and can help ensure landscaping projects are approved. But they   schedules remotely interrupted for two days in August of 2016. Based
                   may also offer a revolutionary way to manage development in areas   on water use history for these properties, the interruption saved 84
                   with limited water infrastructure.                      kilogallons (84,000 gallons) during each of the two days. Scaling this
                     Much like the energy grid, the capacity of water infrastructure must   strategy up to include hundreds of homeowners could cut millions
                   be built around peak demand. Last year, Rachio participated in a study   of gallons from peak demand.
                   in collaboration with the Alliance for Water Efficiency, New Jersey   For now, the Rachio real-time reporting provides a valuable source
                   American Water and WaterDM to learn how suspending irrigation   of data on outdoor water use. The app allows landscaping contractors
                   on the hottest, driest days could “shave” the peak of this demand.  to control many customers’ controllers at once, but it offers another
                     “This has profound implications on required water supply for a   benefit, too. Landscaping contractors are typically held liable for new
                   given municipality, and reduces the cost of infrastructure,” explains   landscaping for up to a year after it is installed, even if homeowners
                   Rachio Vice President Ric Miles.                        skimp on watering and the plants suffer.
                     Rachio is unique among smart controller manufacturers in that   “With this shared intelligence, you get a notification that something
                   access to the controllers can be shared, and Rachio can access   has changed—it creates a virtual ‘paper trail,’” says Miles. GB

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