Page 12 - Microsoft Word - Bahan Ajar Audio Book Berbasis Hyperlink
P. 12
Section 2. Language Focus
1. Introduction to Expression of Giving and Asking for Opinion
When we talk about something, it’s important to share our opinions. Asking for someone’s
opinion helps us learn new ideas, and giving our own opinions can inspire others. So, let’s learn
and practice giving and asking opinions about things happening around our school, especially
when it comes to caring for our environment.
Learn these phrases with the following translation
Table 1. Phrases of Asking and Giving Opinion
Asking for Opinions Giving Opinions
"What do you think about ___?" "I think ___."
Apa pendapatmu tentang___? Saya pikir___
"How do you feel about ___?" "I feel that ___."
Bagaimana perasaanmu tentang___? Saya rasa____
"What’s your opinion on ___?" "In my opinion, ___."
Apa pendapatmu terhadap___? Menurut pendapatku___
Section 3. Writing the Expression
When you want to ask someone for their opinion, you can use simple phrases in the column
Asking for Opinion to show that you are interest in what he/ she thinks. Here are some
What do you think about our village?
How do you feel about the trashes in the water?
What’s your opinion on cleanup day?
Asking something means making a ques on on something. In making a
ques on in English, we use 5 WH.
What= Apa Where= Di mana
Who= Siapa Why= Mengapa
When= Kapan How= Bagaimana
On the other hand, if you want to give your opinion to someone, you can use some simple
phrases in the column Giving Opinions. You can learn the following examples:
I think that our village is beautiful.
I feel that trashes could damage the water.
In my opinion, cleanup day is a way to take care of our village.