Page 13 - Microsoft Word - Bahan Ajar Audio Book Berbasis Hyperlink
P. 13

                         Verb:                      Noun:                      Adj                           Prep
                        Word Box                    Village= Desa              Beau ful= Can k      in= di dalam
                         Think= berpikir
                         Feel= merasakan
                        Think                       Water= air                 Dangerous= Berbahaya   on= di atas
                         Damage= merusak            Trash= sampah              Dirty= Kotor
                         Take care= merawat
                        Feel                        Bin= Tong (tempat sampah)     Clean= Bersih
                         Put= meletakkan            Sea= laut
                         Take= mengambil, memungut
                         Clean= membersihkan

                        Section 4. Speaking

                        Latihan 1

                        Pair up with your friend to perform a dialog. Follow this instruction:

                          Go out and look around you.

                          Discuss with your pair about the topic around your school that you could take.

                          Write the short dialog about asking and giving opinion related to the topic you’ve chosen.
                          You may refer to the previous video. Some vocabularies in the word box could help you.

                          You can use this sca olding to help you write the dialog
                             Dialog about_______ (write your topic)

                              A: What do you think about_____?

                              B: I think that________. What’s your opinion?

                              A: In my opinion_______.

                          In front of the class, practice your dialog with your pair.

                          Each pair will take turns asking and giving opinions.
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