Page 18 - Microsoft Word - Bahan Ajar Audio Book Berbasis Hyperlink
P. 18
Answer the question based on the audio.
1. Who is reading a post on his/her social media account?
2. What is the post about?
3. Whose comments are relevant to Monita’s statements?
Section 2. Language Focus: Action Verbs
A verb is a word that is used to describe an action or activity. In this lesson, we will focus on
action verbs, which are verbs that describe what people do in different situations. In the
dialogue above, there are several action verbs. Study the action verbs in the word box below.
save: selamatkan
You learn other action verbs as follows.
Pick up: memungut
Throw away: membuang sesuatu ke tempat sampah
Help: membantu
Talk to: berbicara dengan
Encourage: memberikan dukungan atau motivasi kepada seseorang
Organize: mengatur atau merencanakan suatu acara atau kegiatan
Raise awareness: membuat orang sadar akan suatu masalah yang penting
Protect: menjaga , emlindungi
Share: membagikan
Clean up: membersihkan
Latihan 3
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