Page 12 - 2021 SPCE Program 3
P. 12

Salon C – Laura Barwegen/Dan Hasse – Wheaton University
               Correlations between Attentional Networks and the Practice of Christian Mindfulness
               For centuries, meditation and Christian mindfulness have been practiced to provide space and opportunity to
               commune with the Triune Lord. Contemporary research in neuroscience has implicated anatomy and physiology
               related to attentional networks in the practices of mindfulness and meditation, such as the reticular activating
               system, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, McGilchrist (2012) has also posited
               the incredible necessity for mindfulness practices in understanding religion, beauty, and wisdom. This session will
               be presented in three parts: (1) research on attentional networks; (2) description of the practice of mindfulness;
               and (3) engagement with the practice of mindfulness.
               Salon D – Tom Bergler – Huntington University
               Reframing Family Ministry in Light of How Christian Parents Really Think
               Family ministry advocates claim that Christian parents are abdicating their responsibility and that restructuring
               church life to re-engage parents is the best way to build lasting faith in children. Recent research on religious
               parenting shows that Christian parents already see themselves, not their congregations, as primarily responsible
               for passing on the faith to their children. Meanwhile, the firmly and nearly universally held cultural beliefs that
               shape Christian parenting only partially support biblical discipleship. In order to achieve its goals, the family
               ministry movement must devise strategies to address these cultural beliefs and their supporting social structures.

               Salon G – Lynn Roper – Cedarville University
               Self-advocacy Strategies to Help students with "Hidden Disabilities" Flourish in Life Beyond High
               Flourishing in college or work settings can look different for individuals with exceptional learning needs. They need
               to understand their disability or learning differences (LD) and know what supports are available.  Unfortunately,
               young adults with LD or “hidden disabilities” have little experience advocating for what they need, even if they had
               an IEP or 504 Plan in high school. Additionally, they tend to be reluctant to self-disclose their learning differences
               upon leaving high school. This session will give specific strategies based on the research on self-advocacy so that
               educators and families can partner to help them transition from high school.
               Salon H – Megan Clunan – Montreat College
               Soul Care and the Christian Professor
               Professorship for the Christian is not solely a career, but a calling to develop students’ character to become more
               like Christ, as we ourselves follow Christ. The weight of such can become quite heavy amidst all other duties of
               professorship, causing burnout and compassion fatigue as the calling requires investment of our minds, bodies,
               and souls. How can we continue forward healthily? What is burnout, what is compassion fatigue, how do we
               prevent either and how do we take care of our souls as Christian professors?
               Salon I – Sam Baker – Corban University

               The Apophatic Predicament in Emerging Adult Faith Formation: Teaching the Mystery of God in Highly
               Digitized Kataphatic Learning Contexts
               Christian institutions in the west have observably favored kataphatic approaches to faith formation. Respectively,
               many have neglected apophatic perspectives in emerging adult learning contexts. Furthermore, this predicament
               has witnessed increased forms of digital instruction as part of the dilemma. As a result, apophatic attentions,
               which move away from trending pedagogical approaches, remain formidable. This paper utilizes a fourteen-year
               case study demonstrating this predicament. Additionally, the paper maintains that digital distraction in
               catechetical learning contexts is a stimulus to the lack of apophatic emphases in faith formation. The author offers
               recommendations for incorporating complementary spiritual-type approaches in spiritual formation instruction.

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