Page 16 - 2021 SPCE Program 3
P. 16

Salon C – Valerie Keaton – Jefferson County Public Schools
               Missional Competencies of Christian Public School Teachers
               This presentation will include an overview and description of how Christian public school teachers leverage their
               Christian witness in their workplace. 1,044 Christian public school teachers responded to a targeted social media
               advertisement asking them to participate in this research study by completing a questionnaire. A brief overview of
               the data from this original research will be given, followed by a discussion regarding research conclusions and
               applications for churches and Christian institutions of higher education.

               Salon D – Jaeseok Heo – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Craig Dykstra's Concept of Christian Practice: The Formative Educational Process for Conforming to the
               Image of Christ
               From an investigation of the telos and the process of Christian education, this presentation raises the following
               question: Is Craig Dykstra’s concept of Christian practice a suitable formative educational process to achieve the
               telos, conforming to the image of Christ? The concept of Christian practice, which Dykstra adopted and elaborated
               on from Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics, has not been thoroughly examined in Christian education, while it has
               been noted in other academic disciplines. By exploring literature pertinent to the concept, this presentation
               establishes that Dykstra’s concept provides a robust framework for formative Christian learning through a means
               of deliberate participation.

               Irving II – Sungwan Kim – Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
               Irenaeus’ Teachings for Redemptive Flourishing
               Irenaeus of Lyon was one of the most influential church fathers of the early church in the second century, offering
               various teachings for redemptive growth. The early church teacher presented a meaningful understanding of
               human beings related to Christian education. The persuasive teacher claimed that Adam and Eve were created in
               God’s image, but they were spiritually immature infants. According to him, human beings keep growing from the
               image of God to the likeness of God as they encounter evil and suffering. This paper analyzes Irenaeus’ teachings
               on the insightful anthropology for the redemptive flourishing of the early church.

               Irving III – Becca Pietsch – The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
               The Influence of John Dewey's Philosophy of Pragmatism on the Church Growth Movement
               What means should Christians use to achieve the end goal of fulfilling the Great Commission, making disciples, and
               teaching them to obey Christ’s commands? Some theologians emphasize means, while others emphasize the telos.
               The Church Growth Movement (CGM) emphasizes the telos, determining growth can be measured and reproduced
               with efficiency through pragmatic tools. The CGM is inseparable from John Dewey’s philosophy of pragmatism,
               which had an observable impact on CGM scholars Donald McGavran and C. Peter Wagner. Dewey’s emphasis on
               instrumentalism and experiential pragmatism shaped the CGM’s methodology, which utilized consecrated
               pragmatism and evidence-based practices in fulfilling the Great Commission.


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