Page 19 - 2022 Tryst Preview 24
P. 19
Diana Kathryn Plopa
Diana Kathryn is founder, editor, mentor and
passionate author advocate at Pages Promotions, LLC.
Included in her advocacy programs are a television
show, virtual and in-person book festivals, and games,
which all focus a spotlight on the great work of Indie and
Small Press Authors… giving them the recognition she
believes they so richly deserve.
Diana Kathryn believes in fostering a love for the
written word in all its forms. Her love of literacy knows
(almost) no bounds. She also works to advocate for
world literacy by publishing anthologies on various topics
with the proceeds from sales directed to charities where
literacy is a prime focus. She is currently building the
foundation for her own non-profit, The Creative Light
Writer’s Guild, which will strengthen these passions.
Diana Kathryn enjoys life with her husband, Dave,
son, Zachary, and their dogs, Charlie and Finnigan, at
their cabin in northern Michigan.
Diana Kathryn Plopa 19 A Tryst of Fate